February 2016 Advertising Law Top Blawgs
Covers developments in trademark, copyright, new media and free speech. By Ron Coleman.
Collaborative blog on advertising, intellectual property, and marketing.
Covers advertising, ambush marketing, appellations of origin, branding, replacement parts, famous marks, grey goods and Madrid Protocol. By Marty Schwimmer.
Covers false advertising and intellectual property issues. By Professor Rebecca Tushnet.
Discusses consumer law, class action lawsuits, advertising law, business law, copyright, and other topics. By Khorrami, LLP.
Covers litigation-related issues concerning consumer packaged goods manufacturers, retailers, advertisers, consumers and attorneys. By Kotchen & Low LLP.
Covers Canadian advertising law. By Steve Szentesi.
Tips and commentary for individuals accused of civil liability for Internet activities. By Benjamin Justus.
Provides commentary and news on developing legal issues in advertising, promotional marketing, Internet, and privacy law. By Olshan Frome Wolosky LLP.
Exposing the strings and catches in advertising fine print and analyses the legal meaning and enforceability.
Reports on developments and trends in all areas of the law that impact brands, including the creation, promotion and protection of branded products and services. By Norton Rose Fulbright.
Covers trademark, copyright, advertising, infringement and intellectual property law. By Locke Lord.
Covers developments and trends in all areas of the law that impact brands, including the creation, promotion and protection of branded products and services. By Norton Rose Fulbright.
Covers antitrust, consumer protection, franchising, advertising, privacy, and civil RICO law. By John W. Arden.
Covers news and developments in advertising and consumer law, paired with thoughtful commentary to inform your business decisions. Topics typically include claim substantiation, competitor litigation, web marketing, sweepstakes/promotions, and a broad range of regulatory issues – FDA, FTC, NAD and CFPB compliance.
Covers advertising law and consumer class action law. By Holland & Hart LLP.
By Verrill Dana LLP. Provides a resource to craft beverage producers interested in keeping abreast of legal developments and navigating the challenges unique to the industry.
Covers promotion marketing law. By Verrill Dana LLP.
Covers advertising and trademarks law. by Fox Rothschild LLP.
Covers legal issues affecting interactive, sports and entertainment marketing and promotions. By Sheppard Mullin Richter and Hampton LLP.