November 2016 Albany Law School Top Blawgs
A blog on land use law and Zoning by Albany Law School Associate Dean and Professor Patricia Salkin.
A law blog by Albany Law School Professor Stephen Gottlieb and Associate Dean for Research and Scholarship James Gathii
The Albany Government Law Review runs this student written and edited law blog engaged in substantive law review-like legal analysis and academic speculation.
Covers legal news, legal research, new books, and technology.
Covers the United States Supreme Court, the New York Court of Appeals and other federal and state appeals courts. By Professor Vincent Martin Bonventre.
A blawg about community benefits agreements by Amy Levine staff attorney at the Government Law Center of Albany Law School.
A blawg by Albany Law School Professor Mary Lynch designed to be a useful web-based source of information on current reforms in legal education, and to create a place where people interested in the future of legal education can freely exchange ideas, concerns, and opinions.
Professor Rosemary Queenan created this blog for her Fall 2007 Introduction to Lawyering course.
A blawg from Albany Law School's Diversity Office to engage all students, faculty and staff to create a community of inclusion and to have an open forum to address issues facing all of us.