December 2022 Entertainment and Sports Law Top Blawgs
By Christine A. Corcos.
By the Bennet Law Office.
Covers the economics, law and business of sports.
By Symmes Law Group, PLLC.
By Emily Patricia Graham.
Covers legal issues affecting interactive, sports and entertainment marketing and promotions. By Sheppard Mullin Richter and Hampton LLP.
By Anthony Verna.
Covers global copyright and legal issues affecting the music industry.
Features art and cultural heritage law resources and reviews.
Discusses copyright law for those in the content industries and the general public. By Terry Hart.
Covers the law and business of digital media and traditional entertainment. By Jonathan Handel.
Covers entertainment and publishing law. By Lloyd Jassin.
Covers the financing, production and distribution of motion pictures. By Mark Litwak.
Covers business, copyright, entertainment, IP and technology law.
Covers issues for professional creators in the music and movie businesses.
Focuses on emerging legal issues and news stories relating to video games, comic books, anime, and other nerd culture. By John G. Nowakowski and Christina R. Evola.
Covers art, entertainment law, film finance and intellectual property.
Answers questions about basic legal and business issues, concepts, trends, problems, and practices important to the arts and entertainment field. By Goldstein & Guilliams PLC.
Covers entertainment law. By Fox Rothschild LLP.
Copyright, defamation, publishing and unfair competition law practice tips and developments. By Lloyd J. Jassin.