December 2022 Trials and Litigation Top Blawgs
Covers 468B settlement funds, factoring, medicare set-aside arrangements, settlement planning, special needs trusts and structured settlements. By Patrick Hindert.
Covers appellate litigation. By Howard J. Bashman.
Covers Northern District of Illinois intellectual property cases. By R. David Donoghue.
Covers the Supreme Court of the United States. By Bloomberg Law.
Edited by University of Miami School of Law Professor Michael Froomkin, The Journal of Things We Like (Lots)–JOTWELL–invites law professors to join us in filling a telling gap in legal scholarship by creating a space where legal academics will go to identify, celebrate, and discuss the best new legal scholarship.
Covers Daubert, expert witness marketing, and expert witness testimony. By JurisPro Expert Witness Directory.
Covers CAFA, class certification, employment law, FCRA, FDCPA and multidistrict litigation. By Michael J. Hassen.
Covers complex litigation and class actions. By H. Scott Leviant.
Offers commentary on civil rights issues, recent decisions and other areas of interest to New York civil litigators and criminal practitioners. By Nicole L. Black.
Offers business trial law with a sense of humor. By Barry Barnett.
Reviews published and unpublished civil law decisions of importance issued by the New Jersey Appellate Division and New Jersey Supreme Court. By Glenn Reiser.
Covers securities class action litigation. By Lyle Roberts.
Features news and resources for the Southern California appellate lawyer. By Nate Scott.
Follows the opinions of the South Carolina appellate courts, the Fourth Circuit, and the United States Supreme Court. By Womble Carlyle.
Covers federal civil practice and procedure. By Washington & Lee University School of Law, Professor A. Benjamin Spencer.
Covers the many flavors of appellate issues and law. By Dorothy Easley.
Offers news items and resources relating to trial advocacy, with a focus on Washington State. By Mary Whisner.
Covers news and discussion on the conflict of laws in private international law cases. Editor is Martin George of the University of Birmingham. Published in association with the Journal of Private International Law.
Focuses on appellate law and military law.