December 2022 Top 200 Blawgs
By Paul L. Caron.
Covers alternative dispute resolution issues.
Covers fraud and forensic accounting, including tax fraud and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. By Tracy Coenen.
Thoughts on the construction law landscape. By Christopher G. Hill.
Edited by Gerry W. Beyer.
Includes news, cases and commentary on real estate and property law in New York and nationwide. By Newman Ferrara LLP.
Covers mortgage fraud information, fraud schemes and indictments. By Rachel Dollar.
Covers copyright, patent, trade mark and privacy/confidentiality issues from a UK and European perspective.
Covers 468B settlement funds, factoring, medicare set-aside arrangements, settlement planning, special needs trusts and structured settlements. By Patrick Hindert.
Resource for Georgia Bankruptcy cases and updates. By Scott B. Riddle.
Covers appellate litigation. By Howard J. Bashman.
Provides information for men at all stages of divorce.
Covers technology and DRM. By Michael Geist.
Blogging resources, ideas and news for law firm bloggers. By Kevin O'Keefe.
Covers Northern District of Illinois intellectual property cases. By R. David Donoghue.
Criminal law issues and commentary. Edited by Kevin Cole.
Offers perspectives on judicial decisionmaking and the legal process. By Professors Jim Chen, Alfred Brophy, Stefanie Lindquist, R.J. Lipkin, Chad M. Oldfather, Lori A. Ringhand, and Elizabeth Weeks.
Chronicles the high cost of our legal system.
Covers best practices in the criminal justice system. By Steve Hall.
Covers the Supreme Court of the United States. By Bloomberg Law.
Covers freedom of the press. By Robert J. Ambrogi.
Covers law in the Netherlands Antilles. By Karel Frielink.
By Douglas A. Berman.
Turkish law blog. By Samil Demir.
Covers business and legal news. By Randy Wilson.
Covers the law and news. From University of Wisconsin Law Professor Ann Althouse.
Covers class action litigation, fraud, consumer law and shareholder disputes. By Lubin Austermuehle, P.C.
Covers false advertising and intellectual property issues. By Professor Rebecca Tushnet.
Review of copyright law, copyright litigation, art litigation and relevant current events. Discussions of recent case law and federal rules of civil procedure. By Ray Dowd.
Edited by Professors Matthew J. Festa, James J. Kelly, Jr., Stephen R. Miller, Jessica Owley and Kenneth A. Stahl.
Covers Internet, technology and online marketing legal issues. Published by Santa Clara University School of Law Professor Eric Goldman and Venkat Balasubramani.
Covers legal news. From the University of Pittsburgh School of Law.
By Kevin R. Johnson, Bill O. Hing, Kit Johnson, Ingrid Eagly, Ming Hsu Chen and Austin Kocher.
Covers estate planning, probate, taxes, elder law, business law and employment law issues. By Law Office of David M. Goldman PLLC.
Covers child custody, child support and divorce.
By the Criminal Justice Legal Foundation.
Features law, marketing, Internet legal resources and technology news. By Sabrina I. Pacifici.
A Canadian cooperative weblog on all things legal.
Offers scholarship, news and new ideas in legal history. By Professors Dan Ernst and Karen Tani.
Covers personal injury law. By the Law Offices of Stephen Bilkis & Associates.
Site provides developing information about prescription drug side effects as well as up-to-date news from the legal, medical, FDA, and pharmaceutical sectors. From attorney Thomas J. Lamb.
Covers immigration issues for people seeking to migrate to Canada or the United States. By Niren & Associates.
By Professor Mark E. Wojcik and Cindy Galway Buys.
Covers developments in trademark, copyright, new media and free speech. By Ron Coleman.
Edited by Ellen S. Podgor, Lucian E. Dervan and Solomon L. Wisenberg and Lawrence S. Goldman.
News and information gateway to web based services provided by the New York State Supreme Court Criminal Term Library in New York County.
Provides summary and commentary on selected court and administrative decisions and related matters affecting public employers and employees in New York State. By Harvey Randall, Esq.
Covers British Columbia injury claims the the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia. By Eric Magraken.
By University of Miami law professor Michael Froomkin. Covers civil liberties, the Internet, Guantanamo, Iraq attrocities, politics and more.
Covers abortion, contraception, pregnancy and fetal rights. Edited by Cynthia Soohoo and Richard Storrow.
Covers professional licensing matters and related regulatory issues for health care professionals. By the Leichter Law Firm.
Covers managing in-house counsel groups. By Rees Morrison.
Covers various topics that arise in the defense of pharmaceutical and medical device product liability litigation. By James M. Beck and Mark Herrmann.
Collaborative blog on advertising, intellectual property, and marketing.
Covers New Jersey family law. By Fox Rothschild, LLP.
News and commentary on Directors and Officers Liability. By Kevin M. LaCroix.
Covers corporate, non-profit, estates, individual or international taxes. By Kelly Erb.
Covers constitutional theory, feminist legal theory, law and economics, normative legal theory and more. By University of Virginia School of Law Professor Lawrence B. Solum.
Covers estate planning topics, trusts, probate, Enduring Powers of Attorney, health care directives, incapacity issues and elder law. By Lynne Butler.
Covers the RIAA's lawsuits of against ordinary working people.
Features news, commentary and musing about Massachusetts real estate law and litigation. By Richard D. Vetstein.
By Jordan E. Bublick.
By Eugene Volokh, Dale Carpenter, David Kopel, David Bernstein, David Post, Erik Jaffe, Ilya Somin, Jim Lindgren, Jonathan Adler, Kevan Choset, Orin Kerr, Randy Barnett, Russell Korobkin, Sasha Volokh, Stuart Benjamin, Todd Zywicki & Tyler Cowen.
Covers patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets and Internet issues. By Gene Quinn.
A legal tabloid that provides news and gossip about the profession's colorful personalities and powerful institutions, as well as original commentary on breaking legal developments.
Provides liberal coverage of crime-related political and injustice news.
Covers workers' compensation cost containment techniques and strategies.
Covers food poisoning law. By Bill Marler.
Covers dissolution and other disputes among New York corporations, LLCs and partnerships. By Peter A. Mahler.
Features discussions between judges and lawyers in the Richard E. Gerstein Justice Building.
A New York Criminal Defense Blog. By Scott H. Greenfield.
Edited by University of Miami School of Law Professor Michael Froomkin, The Journal of Things We Like (Lots)–JOTWELL–invites law professors to join us in filling a telling gap in legal scholarship by creating a space where legal academics will go to identify, celebrate, and discuss the best new legal scholarship.
Reviews FLSA cases. By Andrew Frisch.
Uses topical issues to examine different crimes in Washington, D.C. Discusses individual crimes and defense strategies. Ruminates on the challenges of law practice and being a solo practitioner. By Jamison Koehler.
Covers medical malpractice, birth injuries, car accidents, construction accidents and products liability. By Bottar Law, PLLC.
Covers building, protecting and distributing wealth. By Samuels Yoelin Kantor LLP.
Covers Daubert, expert witness marketing, and expert witness testimony. By JurisPro Expert Witness Directory.
The Art of Technology
Covers DUI and traffic ticket defense. By Law Office of John Stanko.
Covers Utah business, criminal, family and injury law. By the Salcido Law Firm.
Covers legal technology and practice management news.
Covers various ERISA, disability, health, and life insurance issues. By Kantor & Kantor.
Covers Iowa business, employment, trust & estates family, real estate, regulatory compliance and utility law.
Features comments and analysis about the Duke/Nifong case. By Professor KC Johnson.
Focuses on complliance, corporate governance, disclosure, mergers and tax issues. By Sheppard Mullin.
Covers prisoners' rights and criminal justice in the United Kingdom. By former prisoner John Hirst Hull.
Covers CAFA, class certification, employment law, FCRA, FDCPA and multidistrict litigation. By Michael J. Hassen.
By University of Toledo College of Law Professor Howard M. Friedman.
Covers corporate & franchise law issues. By Raymond McKenzie.
Covers broker fraud, investor fraud, marketing timing, and securities fraud. By Shepherd Smith Edwards & Kantas.
Features observations on technology, law and lawlessness. By University of Dayton Susan Brenner.
Covers laws relating to pre-need and death care compliance, serving banks, funeral homes, crematories, and cemetaries. By William Stalter.
Covers constitutional law, criminal law, DUI, drugs, First Amendment and immigration. By Jon Katz, P.C.
Covers estate planning, tax and probate law. Published by Moravecs, a Professional Law Corporation.
Covers biotech and pharma patent law and news. By McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP.
Covers business law, employment law, estate planning, family law, and nonprofit law information for Lancaster County and Pennsylvania residents. From Russell, Krafft & Gruber.
Covers copyrights, creative commons, DRM, open source and more. By Andres Guadamuz.
Features developments in labor and employment law. By Daniel A. Schwartz.
Covers complex litigation and class actions. By H. Scott Leviant.
Offers commentary on civil rights issues, recent decisions and other areas of interest to New York civil litigators and criminal practitioners. By Nicole L. Black.
Legal developments involving the Internet and new technologies. By Evan Brown.
Covers estate planning topics such as conservatorship, guardianship, health care and advanced directive, living trusts, and probate. By Law Office of Scott D. Soady, A Professional Corporation
Focuses on advice for small businesses and community associations.
Covers legal malpractice basics, cases and news. By Andrew Lavoott Bluestone.
Covers directors and officers liability. By Kevin LaCroix.
Offers business trial law with a sense of humor. By Barry Barnett.
Covers the political, economic and social consequences of crime, punishment and justice in the Lone Star State. By Scott Henson.
Covers ERISA, insurance coverage, and insurance bad faith. By Stephen Rosenberg.
Features legal research news. By Michel-Adrien Sheppard.
Covers business, legal and government-related news. By The Daily Record.
Tracking new and intriguing Web sites for the legal profession.
Covers adoption, annulment, child abuse, child custody and support, cohabitation, property division, domestic violence, divorce and separation. By Jeanne Hannah.
Covers New York no-fault insurance law news, analysis and commentary. By Damin J. Toell and Erik B. Lutwin.
Features news, commentary and thoughts on the law of the securities markets. By Mark Astarita.
Covers vehicle accidents, clergy abuse, personal injury and wrongful death. By Bisnar Chase Personal Injury Attorneys.
Covers criminal law, information technology and news for law librarians. By David Badertscher.
Covers Virginia drunk driving, reckless driving and speeding offenses.
Provides updates and commentary on current employment law headlines and topics. By Kohrman Jackson & Krantz PLL.
Covers technology, law, baseball, and rock 'n' roll. By Erik J. Heels.
Covers lethal injection in the United States.
Covers California employment laws. By the California Chamber of Commerce.
Covers criminal law and civil rights issues in Georgia. By Albert Wan.
Covers issues relating to wills, trusts, estate planning, and probate in Texas. By Rania Combs.
Covers legal technology, technology law and other musings. By Dennis Kennedy.
Covers tax matters affecting people with disabilities. By Paul Nidich.
Covers non-compete, non-solicitation and non-disclosure provisions in employment agreements. By the Frith Law Firm.
Covers recent developments affecting business law. From the University of Illinois College of Law.
Edited by D. Daniel Sokol.
Covers legal issues related to corporate malfeasance and protection of whistleblowers. Published by the National Whistleblower Legal Defense and Education Fund.
Covers corporate, employment law, environmental, forms, insurance, IP, litigation and more. By Geoffrey G. Gussis.
Covers arbitration, disability, employment discrimination, labor law, public employment law and workplace safety. By Jeffrey M. Hirsch, Sachin S. Pandya, Joseph A. Seiner, Sandra F. Sperino, Charles A. Sullivan and Richard Bales.
Covers wills, trusts & estates, guardianships, tax and asset protection planning.
Edited by S. Alan Childress, Michael S. Frisch, and Jeffrey M. Lipshaw.
Legal information and research resouces. By the Michael E. Moritz Law Library at Ohio State University.
Covers patent, copyright, trademark and Internet related legal issues. By Patent Attorney Brett Trout.
Covers Rhode Island divorce and family law. By Chris Pearsall.
Covers estate tax reform. By Hani Sarji.
By Professors Dan Markel, Ethan J. Leib, Rob Howse, Paul Horwitz, Rick Garnett, Matt Bodie, Steve Vladeck and Orly Lobel.
Covers immigration law topics including all aspects of family and work visas. Published by Jacob Sapochnick.
Covers knowledge management, internet marketing and library sciences. By Greg Lambert, Lisa Salazar and Toby Brown.
Covers Massachusetts drug, weapons, theft and other criminal law news. By Michael DelSignore.
Insights and and commentary from a trusts and estates lawyer and expert witness. By Patti Spencer of Spencer Law Firm.
Covers South Carolina divorce, custody and family law issues. By Gregory S. Forman.
Covers advertising, credit reporting, debt collection, ID theft, predatory lending and other consumer law topics. By Public Citizen.
Cal Law blog.
Mix of legal ephemera and comment.
Covers news, events and developments in business, intellectual property, employment law. By Morse, Barnes-Brown & Pendleton.
Covers Canadian labour and employment law. By Professor David Doorey.
Edited by Professor Jacob Katz Cogan.
Covers estate planning, elder law, asset protection, charitable giving, and business law. By Kyle E. Krull.
Covers content theft, plagiarism, and copyright issues on the Web. By Jonathan Bailey.
Covers the analysis and management of legal risks for entrepreneurs, small businesses, community associations (homeowners associations) and other non-profit organizations. By Linda E. Cummings.
Covers family law the the family justice system in the United Kingdom.
Provides family law and divorce information for Ohio families. By Holzfaster, Cecil, McKnight & Mues.
Law practice information and ideas. From Stephanie West Allen of Allen & Nichols Production.
Covers topics such as sales and payroll tax problems, offers in compromise, tax audits, tax debt, tax disputes, tax fraud, tax litigation and tax controversy, and tax preparer penalties. By Brager Tax Law Group.
Covers South Florida estate planning, probate and tax law issues. By Ginsberg Shulman, PL.
Provides health care regulatory, legislative, enforcement, legal, and management updates. From Solution Law Press.
Thoughts on recent Ninth Circuit and California appellate cases, by University of San Diego School of Law Professor Shaun Martin.
Covers the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. By John L. Welch.
Edited by Zachary Bray, Jerrold Long, Christopher Odinet and Sally Richardson.
Covers estate and trust conflicts, inheritance battles, and will contests. By Matt House.
Covering the latest news and legal developments in trademark law. By Ryan Gile.
Covers corporate and securities law. By Broc Romanek.
Reviews published and unpublished civil law decisions of importance issued by the New Jersey Appellate Division and New Jersey Supreme Court. By Glenn Reiser.
Covers bad faith, insurance coverage, D&O liability, excess and surplus lines, and more. By Locke Lord LLP.
Covers securities class action litigation. By Lyle Roberts.
Covers how associates should approach the practice of law. By Keith Lee.
Features a blend of common sense info for clients and family caregivers and in-depth probate, tax and Medicaid analysis for lawyers & CPAs. By Brian E. Barreira.
Provides global privacy and information security law updates and analysis. By Hunton & Williams.
Covers video game IP law. By Ross Dannenberg.
Focuses on issues related to legal regulation of technology, and especially on legal attempts to restrict the right of technologists and citizens to tinker with technological devices. From Princeton's Center for Information Technology Policy.
Provides case summaries and commentary. By Federal Defenders of the Ninth Circuit.
Covers Ohio estate planning, trust and probate law. By Bradley B. Wrightsel.
Provides commentary on criminal law, civil liberties and jurisprudence. By Jeffrey Gamso.
Covers New York estate planning, probate, elder law and health care issues. By Dutcher & Zatkowsky.
Covers North Carolina contract and tort law.
A faculty-student collaboration on corporate governance.
Commentary on law, business, economics and culture. By UCLA School of Law Professor Stephen Bainbridge.
Covers British Columbia wills, trusts and estates law, elder law and estate litigation. By Stan Rule.
Features news and resources for the Southern California appellate lawyer. By Nate Scott.
Covers accident and injury law. Edited by Christopher J. Robinette.
Covers alimony/maintenance, bankruptcy, child support, custody and visitation, divorce, paternity, property division and taxes. By Mark Wortman.
Covers child support, divorce, property and chiildren. By John Boich.
Covers estate planning, probate, trusts and wills in Utah. By Jason C. Hunter.
Covers insurance news.
Covers adoptions, business valuation, collaborative family law, debt division, grandparent visitation, maintenance, relocation and same sex issues. By Diana L. Skaggs.
Covers patents, claim drafting tips, patent cases, patent legislation and patent prosecution. By Dennis Crouch and Jason Rantanen.
Covers securities arbitration, state securities law, court decisions and law review articles. By Eric C. Chaffee.
Edited by Jeremy Telman.
Provides legal information of interest to landowners in the areas of agriculture law, energy law and environmental law. By John Goudy.
By Andrea B. Carrol and Margaret Ryznar.
Reviews accounting, tax, and legal issues that face businesses and business owners in Ohio.
Tax law and economics by Linda Beale
Covers academic freedom, authoritarianism and fascism, intelligent design and more. By University of Texas Professor Brian R. Leiter and others.
Covers bankruptcy and federal and state tax matters.
Covers life insurance, disability insurance, and claims denial. By Mark S. Humphreys, P.C.
Covers Florida Insurance and bad faith law, as well as personal injury law. By Lee Gunn.
Covers family law and criminal law in Canada. By Georgialee Lang.
Covers legal research tools, notable websites and blogs, web site design, search engine optimization and marketing for law firms.