December 2022 Stanford Law School Top Blawgs
KZSU-FM (Stanford) Tech/Law Talk Show. Hosted by Dave Levine.
Covers civil rights and technological innovation.
Provides information and opinion on the U.S. litigation system. By the Manhattan Institute and AEI Liability Project. Contributors include Professors Michael Krauss, David Bernstein, Lester Brickman, Michael DeBow, Richard Epstein, Daniel P. Kessler and Stephen Presser.
Edited by Jeanne Eicks, Oliver Goodenough, Stephanie Kimbro and Michele Pistone.
Advances understanding of Chinese law by publishing commentaries and translations from China's Case Guidance System. By Stanford Law School.
Covers computational law and legal technology. By Stanford Law School.
Covers public policy recommendations to real-world problems. By Stanford Law School.
Covers opinions, op-eds and Q&As from Stanford Law School faculty.
By Lisa Ouellette, Camilla Hrdy, and Michael Risch. Reviews recent news and scholarship on patent law, intellectual property theory, and innovation.