July 2022 Business Law Top Blawgs
Edited by D. Daniel Sokol.
Distilling a million label approvals down to the ones that affect you. Tracks legal trends in beer, wine and spirits product approvals. By Lehrman Beverage Law.
Covers futures, commodities and forex regulation. By Shipkevich Law Firm.
Covers the intersection of customs law and asset seizures, with a particular focus on reporting on news of U.S. Customs & Border Protection currency seizures from international travelers for failure to report, bulk cash smuggling, or structuring.
Provides information for professional and occupational licensees and license applicants in California who have been denied a license, credential, or certificate or who are at risk for disciplinary action (revocation, suspension, probation) against the license by the State.
By Jimerson Birr, P.A.
Covers the history of both international and domestic wine laws and developing legal issues in the wine industry. By Lindsey A. Zahn.
Commentary on business law, antitrust, and corporate governance by law professors and economists. Ian Adams, Dirk Auer, Jonathan Barnett, Sam Bowman, Eric Fruits, Gus Hurwitz, Thom Lambert, Geoffrey Manne, Joanna Shepherd, Kristian Stout, and Mike Sykuta.
Covers boards of directors, corporate elections, executive compensation, practice insights, legal developments, securities regulation, and Sarbanes-Oxley. Sponsored by the HLS Corporate Governance Program.
Covers disputes between companies and executives. Published by Zuckerman Spaeder LLP.
Covers false advertising and intellectual property issues. By Professor Rebecca Tushnet.
Covers small business law. By Hand Ponist Horvath Smith & Rayl, LLC.
Discusses topics related to business law, commercial litigation, employment law, estate planning, internet/cyber law, and real estate.
Edited by Joshua P. Fershee, Joan MacLeod Heminway, Ann M. Lipton, J. Haskell Murray, Marcia L. Narine, and Stefan J. Padfield.
A faculty-student collaboration on corporate governance.
By Fox Rothschild LLP.
Covers Iowa business, employment, trust & estates family, real estate, regulatory compliance and utility law.
Covers corporate, employment law, environmental, forms, insurance, IP, litigation and more. By Geoffrey G. Gussis.
Covers Ohio Criminal Defense, DUI/OVI, and litigation. By Dearie, Fischer & Mathews LLC.
Covers data breach prevention and responses. By Fox & Rothschild LLP.