September 2022 Cornell Law School Top Blawgs
By Professors John Dzienkowski, Brad Wendel, John Steele, David Hricik, Andrew Perlman, David McGowan, Laura Appleman, Steve Lubet, Anita Bernstein, Don Burnett, and Steve Berenson..
By Cornell Law School Professor Michael Dorf and his friends.
Edited by University of Miami School of Law Professor Michael Froomkin, The Journal of Things We Like (Lots)–JOTWELL–invites law professors to join us in filling a telling gap in legal scholarship by creating a space where legal academics will go to identify, celebrate, and discuss the best new legal scholarship.
Politically progressive law professors from various religious traditions discuss law and cognate subjects from their unique perspectives: Legal theory, politics, and comparative theology. Contributers include Perry Dane, Bob Hockett, Patrick S. O'Donnell, Michael Perry, Russell Powell, Bill Quigley, Charles J. Reid, Annelise Riles, Steve Shiffrin, and Clark West.
Features announcements, featured content and legal information factoids. From the Legal Information Institute.
Offers new and interesting views of law on the Internet.
Covers politics and law. By Professor William A. Jacobson.
By Professor James Grimmelmann.
Provides legal analysis and commentary on topical legal news and cases.
Musings from the librarians of the Cornell Law Library on library resources, research tips and news.
By Thomas R. Bruce of the Legal Information Institute at the Cornell Law School.
Covers emerging empirical legal scholarship, conference updates and empirical claims. By Carolyn Shapiro, Christopher Zorn, Dawn M. Chutkow, and Michael Heise.
A Cornell Law Library current awareness service for the Cornell Law School faculty.