April 2023 Top 200 Blawgs
Covers alternative dispute resolution issues.
Covers food poisoning law. By Bill Marler.
Covers business, legal and government-related news. By The Daily Record.
Covers DUI charges and legal defenses. By Matthew W. Reisig.
Includes news, cases and commentary on real estate and property law in New York and nationwide. By Newman Ferrara LLP.
Covers mortgage fraud information, fraud schemes and indictments. By Rachel Dollar.
Covers antitrust, consumer protection, franchising, advertising, privacy, and civil RICO law. By John W. Arden.
By Eugene Volokh, Dale Carpenter, David Kopel, David Bernstein, David Post, Erik Jaffe, Ilya Somin, Jim Lindgren, Jonathan Adler, Kevan Choset, Orin Kerr, Randy Barnett, Russell Korobkin, Sasha Volokh, Stuart Benjamin, Todd Zywicki & Tyler Cowen.
Discusses issues of media law and responsibility with a special focus on libel and privacy law and the balance between the two.
Covers the Supreme Court of the United States. By Bloomberg Law.
Summarizes and translates decisions of the US Supreme Court (and occasionally the California Supreme Court) which may be of interest to Swiss legal professionals.
Covers labor and employment law developments. By Wolters Kluwer.
Provides summary and commentary on selected court and administrative decisions and related matters affecting public employers and employees in New York State. By Harvey Randall, Esq.
By Paul L. Caron.
Features law, marketing, Internet legal resources and technology news. By Sabrina I. Pacifici.
Covers Illinois family law.
Edited by University of Miami School of Law Professor Michael Froomkin, The Journal of Things We Like (Lots)–JOTWELL–invites law professors to join us in filling a telling gap in legal scholarship by creating a space where legal academics will go to identify, celebrate, and discuss the best new legal scholarship.
Provides legal articles on immigration law, criminal defense, divorce in Virginia and personal injury.
Covers legal news. From the University of Pittsburgh School of Law.
Coveres actions taken or contemplated to protect the nation interact with the nation’s laws and legal institutions, including cybersecurity, Guantánamo habeas litigation, targeted killing, biosecurity, universal jurisdiction, the Alien Tort Statute, and the state secrets privilege. By Benjamin Wittes, Jack Goldsmith and Robert Chesney.
Covers California employment laws. By the California Chamber of Commerce.
Covers divorce in the state of Washington.
Covers securities fraud cases, investment fraud practices and securities industry regulations.
Covers divorce, child custody, child support, and spousal support.
Brings together concepts that cut across traditional intellectual property lines, addressing both evolving technologies and concerns about privacy and data security. By Porter Wright.
Cardozo law student division of CRI founded by 2010 Cardozo graduates Danielle Goldstein and Benjamin Ryberg. CRI-Cardozo has over 40 student members and is dedicated to raising awareness about human rights abuses against children.
By Douglas A. Berman.
Edited by Tessa L. Dysart.
Provides a summary of an Appellate Division case of special interest to New York practitioners.
Covers injury and accident law. By Robinson Law, PLLC.
Covers estate planning, probate & elder law. By McCulloch & Miller, PLLC.
Discusses Arizona Law in Relation to Divorce and Separately Owned Businesses.
Covers appellate litigation. By Howard J. Bashman.
Covers California family law.
Covers estate tax reform. By Hani Sarji.
Covers criminal law.
Covers copyright, patent, trade mark and privacy/confidentiality issues from a UK and European perspective.
Covers legal issues related to corporate malfeasance and protection of whistleblowers. Published by the National Whistleblower Legal Defense and Education Fund.
Covers human resources and other workforce management, compensation and employee benefits laws, policies and practices. By Solutions Law Press.
Covers North Carolina criminal law and procedure. From the UNC School of Government.
Covers Texas personal injury news and information. By E. Michael Grossman.
Covers constitutional theory, feminist legal theory, law and economics, normative legal theory and more. By University of Virginia School of Law Professor Lawrence B. Solum.
Features news and resources for the Southern California appellate lawyer. By Nate Scott.
Covers family law in Windsor, Ontario.
Blog written by two LLM students on contemporary human rights and civil liberties issues in the UK.
Covers bloggers' rights, DMCA, DRM, intellectual property, privacy and security issues. From the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
Advice, tips and musings regarding law school and life thereafter from a former trial lawyer (and guest bloggers), now Director of Public Service Programs at the North Carolina Central University School of Law in Durham, NC.
Covers estate planning, probate, taxes, elder law, business law and employment law issues. By Law Office of David M. Goldman PLLC.
Covers aviation and airport development, with a focus on the industry\'s legal and regulatory issues. By Taber Law Group.
News and commentary on Directors and Officers Liability. By Kevin M. LaCroix.
A legal tabloid that provides news and gossip about the profession's colorful personalities and powerful institutions, as well as original commentary on breaking legal developments.
Law student bloggers at Boston University Law School chronicling their law school experience.
Provides legal analysis and commentary on topical legal news and cases.
Blog de la revista Nexos en linea
By Yale Law School Professor Jack M. Balkin.
Covers Illinois DUI laws and news. By Harvatin Law Offices P.C.
Covers legal issues related to Pennsylvania domestic relations matters. By Michael L. Viola.
Covers injury and accident law. By The Murray Law Firm.
Covers software patent news and issues with a focus on wireless and mobile devices. By Florian Mueller.
Covers personal injury law. By Brod Law Firm.
Covers criminal law news and cases. By The Law Firm of Shein & Brandenburg.
Covers the imposition of life without parole sentences on juveniles.
By Andrea B. Carrol and Margaret Ryznar.
Covers various topics that arise in the defense of pharmaceutical and medical device product liability litigation. By James M. Beck and Mark Herrmann.
Covers Massachusetts family law, divorce mediation and collaborative divorce. By Stephen F. McDonough.
By Kevin R. Johnson, Bill O. Hing, Kit Johnson, Ingrid Eagly, Ming Hsu Chen and Austin Kocher.
Discusses product liability law and lawsuits.
Covers personal injury legal news.
By Cornell Law School Professor Michael Dorf and his friends.
Coves car accidents, traumatic brain injuries, and neck and back injuries. By the Law Offices of Edward A Smith.
Covers news, commentary, and scholarship in the fields of health law policy, biotechnology, and bioethics. By the Petrie-Flom Center at Harvard Law School.
Covers global privacy and data security. By Covington & Burling LLP.
Offers scholarship, news and new ideas in legal history. By Professors Dan Ernst and Karen Tani.
Focuses on issues and the differences in how the law relates to economic organizations, political organizations, religious, ethnic and family organizations. By Penn State School of Law Professor Larry Catá Backer.
If you’re interested in news, insight and analysis on legal issues involving creative works and intellectual property rights, you should stick around. Whether you’re a full-fledged copyright geek or just a fan of pop culture who wants to know more about the laws that drive the content industry, this site is for you.
Provides updates and commentary on current employment law headlines and topics. By Jon Hyman of Wickens Herzer Panza.
By Klein Moynihan Turco. Covers telemarketing, Internet marketing, sweepstakes, gaming law and technology law.
Covers American customs law and international trade law. By Lawrence Friedman.
Thoughts on recent Ninth Circuit and California appellate cases, by University of San Diego School of Law Professor Shaun Martin.
Covers federal, state and international tax issues, including AMT, capital gains and dividends taxes, corporate income taxes, income taxes, property taxes, and sales and use taxes. By the Tax Foundation.
Covers employment law.
Covers personal injury news.
Covers Georgia personal injury and business law. By Williams Oinonen LLC.
Covers data breach prevention and responses. By Fox & Rothschild LLP.
Covers Texas construction accidents and workplace safety. By E. Michael Grossman.
By Foley & Lardner LLP.
Covers Boston criminal law and DUI news. By the Law Offices of Lefteris K. Travayiakis, P.C.
Covers issues that affect California employers. By Fox Rothschild LLP.
Covers DWI, civil rights, family law, workers compensation, and criminal justice.
Covers medical malpractice, workers' compensation and injury law. By Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers.
Covers family law. By Woodruff Family Law Group.
Provides information for men at all stages of divorce.
Provides updates and trends in Pennsylvania civil litigation law. By Daniel E. Cummins.
Covers Los Angeles personal injury and car accident information. By Robert B. Reeves.
Covers Washington family law.
Provides global food safety news & information. By Marler Clark LLP, PS.
Covers New Jersey criminal law, family law and personal injury law.
A regulation blog, in affiliation with the Penn Program on Regulation. From the University of Pennsylvania Law School.
Focusing on law firm risk management: trends, challenges, conflicts, compliance, technology, information security, ethics & more.
Covers legal and financial issues related to expert witnesses.
Features news and views from Ernester, the Hofstra School of Law Deane Law Library Virtual Cat.
Covers various ERISA, disability, health, and life insurance issues. By Kantor & Kantor.
By the Law Offices of Shahram Miri, Inc.
Covers criminal law in Texas.
Covers emerging legal issues in IP, technology, commerce, and the arts. From the Washington Journal of Law, Technology & Arts.
Covers family law. By The Oncale Firm.
Analysis and commentary on trends and developments in life sciences and health care law. By Reed Smith.
Covers Colorado plea bargaining, statutes of limitations and mental health issues in criminal cases. By H. Michael Steinberg.
Covers California employment law trends, cases and issues. By Anthony Zaller.
Covers family law and mediation. By Law and Mediation Office of Darren M. Shapiro, P.C.
Up-to-date information on real estate, construction, environmental, and land use law. By Sheppard Mullin.
A New York Criminal Defense Blog. By Scott H. Greenfield.
Highlighting recent and noteworthy developments in cases and regulations on wage and hour laws that affect large and small businesses. By Fox Rothschild LLP.
Criminal law issues and commentary. Edited by Kevin Cole.
Covers class action litigation issues, including class certification, discovery and defense strategies. By Seyfarth Shaw LLP.
Harvard Law School Berkman Center for Internet & Society Podcast.
Covers developments in the entire range of issues addressed by the Federal Communications Commission in its regulation of spectrum-related activities, as well as copyright, trademark, First Amendment and Internet issues. By Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth.
Covers best practices in the criminal justice system. By Steve Hall.
Covers criminal law.
Provides news and views on current topics in elder law, estate planning, wills and trusts, caregiver issues, probate and estate administration, Medicaid and Veterans benefits, other issues of importance to seniors and their families. By Joseph S. Karp.
Focuses on the legal side of Veteran's Disability Benefits, outlining the process, the timetables, the disabilities, and how veterans can receive the disability compensation they earned. By Berry Law Firm.
Covers news and discussion on the conflict of laws in private international law cases. Editor is Martin George of the University of Birmingham. Published in association with the Journal of Private International Law.
Covers public service at the University of Virginia School of Law.
Covers International Trade Commission cases and news. By Oblon Spivak.
Covers personal injury law issues and topics, including medical malpractice, product liability, and worker's compensation By Louthian Law Firm, P.A.
Our blog touches on all types of criminal law topics.
Covers Florida estate planning and condo laws. By Sackrin & Tolchinsky.
Commentary, insight and analysis on children's law, policy and current issues. By Marsh Law Firm.
Covers personal injury news.
Covers current legal trends, collecting for the largest law library in the world, a British perspective, a perspective from New Zealand, legislative developments in THOMAS, and cultural intelligence and the law.
Law school blog and podcast from Canada.
Provides quick tips on practice management and marketing. It also includes links to articles, forms, and webinars. By Michael L. Goldblatt.
Covers medicaid, long-term care planning and other elder law issues impacting Floridians. By Neufeld, Kleinberg & Pinkiert, PA.
Covers copyrights, cyberspace law, music, patents, privacy, trade secrets and trademarks. By Weintraub Genshlea Chediak.
New Mexico Family Law Blog
Commentary on law, business, economics and culture. By UCLA School of Law Professor Stephen Bainbridge.
Covers drunk driving laws, news and false evidence. By Lawrence Taylor.
By WorldTradeLaw.net.
Covers insurance law. By Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP.
Covers antitrust, privacy, international trade, and white color criminal defense. By Reed Smith.
Covers the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. By Ballard Spahr.
Covers property insurance coverage matters. By Merlin Law Group.
Covers basic legal research. By Bret Christensen.
Covers child custody and family law issues. By Arlaine Rockey.
By Liebert Cassidy Whitmore.
Thoughts from San Diego on law, politics, and culture. By Thomas A. Smith.
Collective blog for the University of Colorado School of Law.
Covers fraud and forensic accounting, including tax fraud and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. By Tracy Coenen.
Covers the False Claims Act, qui tam litigation and whistleblower litigation. By Tycko & Zavareei.
Current events and news relevant to Personal Injury, Recalls, settlements and verdicts. By Kane & Silverman P.C.
Covers the law and business of social media. By Morrison Foerster.
By Professors Dan Markel, Ethan J. Leib, Rob Howse, Paul Horwitz, Rick Garnett, Matt Bodie, Steve Vladeck and Orly Lobel.
Covers criminal defense, civil litigation and whistleblowers.
Covers family law. By McClure Law Group.
Covers business, internet, and cyberspace law. By the Law Offices of Salar Atrizadeh.
By Mandour & Associates.
Coves law, society, and technology. By University of Pittsburgh School of Law professor Mike Madison.
Covers criminal law. By Conaway & Strickler, P.C.
Covers personal injury law.
Covers wage and hour law developments. By Epstein Becker Green.
Provides best practice tips, checklists and updates designed to keep organizations of all sizes in compliance with federal and state employment laws. By Holland & Hart.
Covers employment law. By Nassiri Law.
Covers car accidents, criminal defense, personal injury and workers' compensation.
Covers global poverty, welfare and current affairs. By Professor Ezra Rosser.
A Canadian cooperative weblog on all things legal.
Covers estate planning, elder law, and family law.
Covers Canadian intellectual property law. By Lorraine Fleck.
By Einhorn, Harris, Ascher, Barbarito & Frost, PC.
Covers workers' compensation law in Georgia. By Nathaniel F. Hansford, LLC.
Covers copyrights, creative commons, DRM, open source and more. By Andres Guadamuz.
By Fox Rothschild LLP.
Covers aviation law issues, including federal environmental and transportation regulations. By Chevalier, Allen and Lichman, LLP.
Covers injury and accident law. By The Murray Law Firm.
Covers personal injury and medical malpractice law in Missouri and Illinois.
Discusses timely issues in labor and employment law and human resources from management's perspective, with subjects ranging from discrimination to employee handbooks and religious accommodations. By Constangy, Brooks & Smith, LLP.
Covers Texas will contests, trust and inheritance disputes. By J. Michael Young.
Provides analysis of issues affecting the pharma and biotech sectors. By Morgan Lewis.
Covers employment law, personal injury and family law issues related to Texas and federal law.
Tracks judicial, legislative, policy, and academic developments concerning medical futility. By Professor Thaddeus Mason Pope.
Covers personal injury law.
Covers military law for trial practitioners and military members. By The Law Office of Philip D. Cave.
Covers birth injuries, medical device liability, medical misdiagnosis and surgical errors. By Robert Kreisman.
Edited by Brian F. Havel and Michael S. Jacobs.
Covers current antitrust news and regulatory developments. By Sheppard Mullin.
Provides news and notes regarding federal practice in the Southern District of Florida. By David Markus
Discusses discrimination, sexual harassment, and employment law in New York State.
Features business updates with a focus on California law. By Top Floor Legal, PC.
Covers Illinois divorce, immigration, business, estate planning, and litigation.
Covers personal injury law. By the Law Offices of Aronberg & Aronberg.
Covers futures, commodities and forex regulation. By Shipkevich Law Firm.
Covers Colorado criminal law.
Covers securities law. By Gana Weinstein LLP.
Covers Ilinois family law.
Covers estate planning.
Analyzes and covers developments in employment and labor issues. By Hunton & Williams.
Discusses collection defense, consumer class action suits, credit reporting litigation, and identity theft litigation.
Features commentary and updates on brain damage, concussion and coma. By Gordon Johnson.
Covers elder law issues.
Covers antitrust. By Doyle, Barlow & Mazard PLLC.
A collection of legal news and commentary with a focus on West Virginia law. By Brian Peterson.