August 2023 France Top Blawgs
Features extracts from recently published decisions of the Boards of Appeal of the EPO.
Looks at financial issues for intellectual property rights: securitisation and collateral, IP valuation for acquisition and balance sheet purposes, tax and R&D breaks, film and product finance, calculating quantum of damages--anything that happens where IP meets money.
Focuses on the legal issues impacting the fracking industry in response to the increasing importance of natural gas and shale, in particular, in the US energy mix. Provides commentary and analysis on all aspects of exploring and producing this abundant resource including regulatory, environmental and legislative developments. By Norton Rose Fulbright.
Covers employment and labour law issues, including industrial relations/labour and human resources, business immigration and international mobility, enterprise and collective labour agreements and occupational health and safety matters, By Norton Rose Fulbright.
Summary of recent decisions by boards of appeal of the European patent office (EPO).
Covers applications, decisions, judgments at the European Court of Human Rights, resolutions by the Committee of Ministers and violations of the European Convention of Human Rights with a focus on French speaking countries in the Council of Europe (Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Monaco and Switzerland).
Covers employment law in the U.S., UK and France. By Reed Smith LLP.