August 2023 Top 200 Blawgs
Covers food poisoning law. By Bill Marler.
Covers copyright, patent, trade mark and privacy/confidentiality issues from a UK and European perspective.
Covers business, legal and government-related news. By The Daily Record.
Covers alternative dispute resolution issues.
Covers biotech and pharma patent law and news. By McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP.
The Art of Technology
Covers content theft, plagiarism, and copyright issues on the Web. By Jonathan Bailey.
Covers false advertising and intellectual property issues. By Professor Rebecca Tushnet.
Denise Howell and guests discuss technology law. From the TWiT netcast network.
Intellectual property news affecting business and everyday life. From patent lawyer Lawrence B. Ebert.
Covers mortgage fraud information, fraud schemes and indictments. By Rachel Dollar.
By Eugene Volokh, Dale Carpenter, David Kopel, David Bernstein, David Post, Erik Jaffe, Ilya Somin, Jim Lindgren, Jonathan Adler, Kevan Choset, Orin Kerr, Randy Barnett, Russell Korobkin, Sasha Volokh, Stuart Benjamin, Todd Zywicki & Tyler Cowen.
Covers patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets and Internet issues. By Gene Quinn.
Thoughts on the construction law landscape. By Christopher G. Hill.
Coveres actions taken or contemplated to protect the nation interact with the nation’s laws and legal institutions, including cybersecurity, Guantánamo habeas litigation, targeted killing, biosecurity, universal jurisdiction, the Alien Tort Statute, and the state secrets privilege. By Benjamin Wittes, Jack Goldsmith and Robert Chesney.
Edited by S. Alan Childress, Michael S. Frisch, and Jeffrey M. Lipshaw.
Legal developments involving the Internet and new technologies. By Evan Brown.
By Mandour & Associates.
Features extracts from recently published decisions of the Boards of Appeal of the EPO.
Covers African intellectual property news and views.
Summarizes and translates decisions of the US Supreme Court (and occasionally the California Supreme Court) which may be of interest to Swiss legal professionals.
Covers the Supreme Court of the United States. By Bloomberg Law.
Collaborative blog on advertising, intellectual property, and marketing.
Covers developments in patent law and litigation. By Stan Gibson of Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell LLP.
Detailing substantive events regarding patent cases in the district courts.
Covers the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. By John L. Welch.
Our blog touches on all types of criminal law topics.
Discusses issues of media law and responsibility with a special focus on libel and privacy law and the balance between the two.
Covers patents, claim drafting tips, patent cases, patent legislation and patent prosecution. By Dennis Crouch and Jason Rantanen.
Covers emerging patent developments in the areas of microelectromechanical systems and nanotechnology. By Blaise Mouttet.
Covers laws and cases, with a focus on Cincinnati and Ohio. By the Cincinnati Law Library Association.
Provides answers to questions about copyright, trademarks and patents.
By Paul L. Caron.
Covers intellectual property in the chemical, biotech, and pharmaceutical fields. By Foley & Lardner LLP.
Covers Canadian intellectual property law. By Lorraine Fleck.
Covers British Columbia injury claims the the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia. By Eric Magraken.
Covers criminal law topics. By Stephen Bilkis & Associates
Covers trade secrets, non-competes and computer fraud. By Seyfarth & Shaw LLP.
Covers Indian intellectual property law and policy.
Covers International Trade Commission cases and news. By Oblon Spivak.
Covers case analysis and commentary on intellectual property law. Published by Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP.
Covers trademark, patent and copyright infringement. By Overhauser Law Offices, LLC.
Discusses product liability law and lawsuits.
Edited by Professor Jacob Katz Cogan.
By Fox Rothschild LLP.
Covers North Carolina criminal law and procedure. From the UNC School of Government.
Covers public criminal justice and defense. By Luftman, Heck & Associates LLP.
Features news, analysis and resources on patent law. From the Practicing Law Institute (PLI).
Discusses copyright law for those in the content industries and the general public. By Terry Hart.
By Yale Law School Professor Jack M. Balkin.
Offers news and information from the intersection of intellectual property and business law. By Jim Singer.
Lawyer 2 Lawyer covers relevant, contemporary news from a legal perspective. Hosted by J. Craig Williams.
Edited by Gerry W. Beyer.
Covers news, events and developments in business, intellectual property, employment law. By Morse, Barnes-Brown & Pendleton.
By Javaheri & Yahoudai.
By Goostree Law Group.
Covers the relationship between art and law with a focus on intellectual property, nonprofit tax-exempt organizations, free speech, and contemporary art. By Sergio Muñoz Sarmiento.
Covers Corporate Law, Labor & Employment and Tax Law.
Covers asset management, litigation, and rating agencies. By Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP.
Covers legal news. From the University of Pittsburgh School of Law.
Covers constitutional theory, feminist legal theory, law and economics, normative legal theory and more. By University of Virginia School of Law Professor Lawrence B. Solum.
Covers appellate litigation. By Howard J. Bashman.
Covers boards of directors, corporate elections, executive compensation, practice insights, legal developments, securities regulation, and Sarbanes-Oxley. Sponsored by the HLS Corporate Governance Program.
Covers Internet, technology and online marketing legal issues. Published by Santa Clara University School of Law Professor Eric Goldman and Venkat Balasubramani.
Covers European patent law (in French).
Covers legal issues for photographers. By Carolyn E. Wright.
A patent prosecution blog, with in-depth discussion of decisions by the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences (BPAI), prosecution strategies, and PTO procedures. By Karen Hazzah.
Covers software patent news and issues with a focus on wireless and mobile devices. By Florian Mueller.
A regulation blog, in affiliation with the Penn Program on Regulation. From the University of Pennsylvania Law School.
By Gibbons, P.C.
Covers law, rights and national security. Based at the Reiss Center on Law and Security at New York University School of Law.
Cover corporate governance, financial regulation, restructuring, antitrust and kindred topics. From Columbia Law School.
Covers lawyering and law practice. Hosted by Stephanie Everett and Jennifer Whigham.
By Michael P. Ehline Esq.
Covers developments in trademark, copyright, new media and free speech. By Ron Coleman.
By Cornell Law School Professor Michael Dorf and his friends.
Edited by University of Miami School of Law Professor Michael Froomkin, The Journal of Things We Like (Lots)–JOTWELL–invites law professors to join us in filling a telling gap in legal scholarship by creating a space where legal academics will go to identify, celebrate, and discuss the best new legal scholarship.
Focused on personal injury news and information for people in the New York and New Jersey area. By Nagel Rice LLP.
News and views on patents and innovation, with a focus on Australia and New Zealand.
Covers constitutional law, criminal law, free speech and torts.
Thoughts on recent Ninth Circuit and California appellate cases, by University of San Diego School of Law Professor Shaun Martin.
Informs local attorneys of major legal developments important to their practice. By Sue Altmeyer.
By Andrea B. Carrol and Margaret Ryznar.
Covers California divorce, child custody, child support, child visitation, and paternity. By Clarke Logan Young.
By Norton Rose Fulbright. Offers resources on the global financial services regulatory environment. It reports on financial services regulatory developments and provides insights and commentary across Africa, Asia, Australia, Canada, Europe and the United States.
Covers the Wall Street docket of criminal, civil, regulatory, and arbitration cases. By Bill Singer.
Covers environmental crimes and enforcement, from pre-trial to trial strategy. By Walter D. James III.
Covers alternative billing, marketing, office space and small office technology.
Covers the RIAA's lawsuits of against ordinary working people.
By Kevin R. Johnson, Bill O. Hing, Kit Johnson, Ingrid Eagly, Ming Hsu Chen and Austin Kocher.
Reviews recent scholarship in patent law, intellectual property theory, and innovation. By Lisa Larrimore Ouellette, Michael Risch and Camilla Hrdy.
Harvard Law School Berkman Center for Internet & Society Podcast.
Covers family law with a focus on divorce on Maryland. By Anthony A. Fatemi, LLC.
Provides commentary and news on developing legal issues in advertising, promotional marketing, Internet, and privacy law. By Olshan Frome Wolosky LLP.
Covers virtual worlds and social media issues. By Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP.
Covers family law and mediation. By Law and Mediation Office of Darren M. Shapiro, P.C.
Up-to-date information on real estate, construction, environmental, and land use law. By Sheppard Mullin.
Covers personal injury. By Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C.
Covers sex crime laws and cases. By Grabel & Associates.
Covers news and discussion on the conflict of laws in private international law cases. Editor is Martin George of the University of Birmingham. Published in association with the Journal of Private International Law.
Covers Northern District of Illinois intellectual property cases. By R. David Donoghue.
Features discussions between judges and lawyers in the Richard E. Gerstein Justice Building.
Covers the law and news. From University of Wisconsin Law Professor Ann Althouse.
Coves car accidents, traumatic brain injuries, and neck and back injuries. By the Law Offices of Edward A Smith.
Discusses news, tips, and information related to Missouri auto accidents. By Christopher Hoffmann.
Covers video game IP law. By Ross Dannenberg.
Discusses issues in intellectual property law and litigation. By Michael Cohen.
Seeks to inform the Cleveland-Marshall College of Law community about key legal education, research, practice, and law library news, with a particular focus on Cuyahoga County and Ohio as well as faculty research interests.
Covers government contract issues including contract formation, strategies, bid protests and contract interpretation. By Crowell Moring.
Provides liberal coverage of crime-related political and injustice news.
Edited by Zachary Bray, Jerrold Long, Christopher Odinet and Sally Richardson.
Covers Florida family law.
Covers Texas construction accidents and workplace safety. By E. Michael Grossman.
Comments on North Carolina civil litigation and laws. By Bradley A. Coxe.
Listen to lectures by and discussions with the faculty of the University of Chicago Law School.
Covers current law and technology developments affecting business and society. By Nanyang Business School Professor Harry SK Tan.
Covers Texas family law.
A legal tabloid that provides news and gossip about the profession's colorful personalities and powerful institutions, as well as original commentary on breaking legal developments.
Covers developments and trends in all areas of the law that impact brands, including the creation, promotion and protection of branded products and services. By Norton Rose Fulbright.
The official repository of the "Minnesota Judicial Training Updates," which provides judicial tips for judges and attorneys.
Covers New Jersey criminal and DWI laws, including blood and breath tests, license suspencions and traffic violations. By John F. Marshall.
Tracks judicial, legislative, policy, and academic developments concerning medical futility. By Professor Thaddeus Mason Pope.
Covers federal and state laws and cases affecting non-profits. Edited by David A. Brennen, Darryll K. Jones, Lloyd H. Mayer, Samuel Brunson, Eric C. Chaffee, Roger Colinvaux, Miranda Perry Fleischer, Brian L. Frye, Susan N. Gary, Philip Hackney, Terri Lynn Helge, Vaughn E. James and Khrista McCarden.
Features news and resources for the Southern California appellate lawyer. By Nate Scott.
Covers criminal law.
Covers Illinois personal injury.
An independent blog supporting law and humanities activities and scholarship, including the work of the Law and Humanities Institute. Posts discuss law and the arts, law and history, and occasionally law and social sciences, and law and science. The blog posts calls for papers, news of conferences, special events, and other items of interest to those in the field.
Covers employment law, personal injury and family law issues related to Texas and federal law.
Offers scholarship, news and new ideas in legal history. By Professors Dan Ernst and Karen Tani.
Covers personal injury, medical malpractice, wills, probate, estates, criminal defense, and family law.
Covers California probate and estate planning including law changes, legal strategies, and detailed descriptions of the options available. By Meissner, Joseph & Palley, Inc.
Left-leaning, social justice-minded slant on law and justice issues, the death penalty, politics, and current events.
Covers Texas criminal law.
Edited by Katharine Van Tassel.
Focusing on law firm risk management: trends, challenges, conflicts, compliance, technology, information security, ethics & more.
Covers developments in Tennessee family law.
Coves constitutional law and US Supreme Court jurisprudence. By Scarinci Hollenbeck.
From Constantine Cannon.
Analyzes athletes' family law issues to explain how family law works to the average consumer.
Covers child support, divorce, property and chiildren. By John Boich.
Covers federal, state and international tax issues, including AMT, capital gains and dividends taxes, corporate income taxes, income taxes, property taxes, and sales and use taxes. By the Tax Foundation.
Looks at financial issues for intellectual property rights: securitisation and collateral, IP valuation for acquisition and balance sheet purposes, tax and R&D breaks, film and product finance, calculating quantum of damages--anything that happens where IP meets money.
Covers personal injury legal news.
Covers legal malpractice basics, cases and news. By Andrew Lavoott Bluestone.
Features art and cultural heritage law resources and reviews.
Commentary on law, business, economics and culture. By UCLA School of Law Professor Stephen Bainbridge.
Comments on personal injury news stories from around the country. By Tim Tate.
Covers the civil justice system, New York Courts, injury law cases and news. By Eric Turkewitz.
Law practice information and ideas. From Stephanie West Allen of Allen & Nichols Production.
Covers Illinois family law.
A Canadian cooperative weblog on all things legal.
Covers DUI charges and legal defenses. By Matthew W. Reisig.
A collection of legal news and commentary with a focus on West Virginia law. By Brian Peterson.
Covers constitutional law, criminal law, DUI, drugs, First Amendment and immigration. By Jon Katz, P.C.
By Steven D. Schwinn and Ruthann Robson.
Covers Texas personal injury law.
Covers personal injury, medical malpractice and workplace injuries.
Construction-related blog focused on transportation, healthcare, technology and legal trends. By Stites Harbison PLLC.
Analyzes and covers developments in employment and labor issues. By Hunton & Williams.
Covers law practice management. Hosted by Christopher T. Anderson.
Covers broker fraud and unsuitable investments.
Blog oficial de la Firma de Abogados Poblete Consulting Group, en él que encontraras información de actualidad e interés en el ámbito legal, empresarial y de negocios, especializada en franquicias, propiedad intelectual, mediación, arbitraje internacional y compliance empresarial.
Offers legal news, notes and commentary of interest to small government contractors. By Steven Koprince.
Covers future technology for the lawyer of today. By Richard M. Georges.
Cover injury and accident law. By Perazzo Law Firm.
Covers divorce, child custody, child support, and other related topics.
Tragos, Sartes & Tragos discusses common legal questions, providse some insight into the legal process, and covers current events as they relate to the legal field.
Focuses primarily on issues involving the intersection of law, technology and finance. By David Ma.
Covers New York family law. By Deborah Hope Wayne.
Covers California employment laws. By the California Chamber of Commerce.
Covers eminent domain issues in the States of Indiana, North Carolina and Illinois.
By Walker & Walker Law Offices PLLC.
Tracking new and intriguing Web sites for the legal profession.
Focuses on issues and the differences in how the law relates to economic organizations, political organizations, religious, ethnic and family organizations. By Penn State School of Law Professor Larry Catá Backer.
Covers election law, campaign finance, legislation, voting rights, initiatives, redistricting, and the Supreme Court nomination process. By Rick Hasen.
Edited by D. Daniel Sokol.
Law school blog and podcast from Canada.
Covers family and divorce law. By The Law Office of James P. Yudes, P.C.
By Davidow, Davidow, Siegel & Stern. Covers New York estate planning and elder law.
Covers workplace asbestos exposure, mesothelioma and occupational cancer, legal representation in asbestos cases and the process of filing an asbestos claim.
Covers personal injury, work-related injuries and wrongful death.
By the Law Office of Jay S. Knispel.
A corporate, family and tax law blog. By Moses & Moses, P.C.
Covers Texas personal injury news and information. By E. Michael Grossman.
Diversity Insight: Strategies for building a diverse, multi-cultural workplace
By Henderson, Franklin, Starnes & Holt, P.A.
Neal Davis shares his his thoughts on the latest Federal and Texas-based legal issues as well as his experiences defending clients in Houston and all the way to the US Supreme Court.
Provides legal commentary, opinions, and articles on criminal law.
Focuses on issues related to legal regulation of technology, and especially on legal attempts to restrict the right of technologists and citizens to tinker with technological devices. From Princeton's Center for Information Technology Policy.
Answers questions about basic legal and business issues, concepts, trends, problems, and practices important to the arts and entertainment field. By Goldstein & Guilliams PLC.
Chronicles legal humor. By Nicole Black.
By Wilson & Haubert, PLLC.
Covers how associates should approach the practice of law. By Keith Lee.
Provides tips on how to keep assets safe in case of a divorce.
By Lawson Lundell LLP.
Focuses on construction and business law, commercial creditor's rights and estate planning.
Covers green building trends and regulations for the construction, design and insurance industries. By Chris Cheatham.
Provides insight and commentary on patent post-grant options. By Oblon, Spivak, McClelland, Maier & Neustadt, LLP.
By University of Toledo College of Law Professor Howard M. Friedman.