March 2023 Law Professor Top Blawgs
By Eugene Volokh, Dale Carpenter, David Kopel, David Bernstein, David Post, Erik Jaffe, Ilya Somin, Jim Lindgren, Jonathan Adler, Kevan Choset, Orin Kerr, Randy Barnett, Russell Korobkin, Sasha Volokh, Stuart Benjamin, Todd Zywicki & Tyler Cowen.
By Paul L. Caron.
Covers emerging empirical legal scholarship, conference updates and empirical claims. By Carolyn Shapiro, Christopher Zorn, Dawn M. Chutkow, and Michael Heise.
Covers the First Amendment, democracy and design in the digital age. By New York Law School Professor Beth Simone Noveck.
Covers law, politics, and foreign policy by legal teachers, scholars, fellows and researchers.
Just as knowledge and experience is the result of communities of learners working together, outstanding teaching is the result of educators working together to share ideas, experience and know-how to construct learning opportunities. This blog is all about providing an opportunity to share the expertise and ideas about law teaching among law teachers to foster outstanding law teaching.
Covers Internet, technology and online marketing legal issues. Published by Santa Clara University School of Law Professor Eric Goldman and Venkat Balasubramani.
By Yale Law School Professor Jack M. Balkin.
Coveres actions taken or contemplated to protect the nation interact with the nation’s laws and legal institutions, including cybersecurity, Guantánamo habeas litigation, targeted killing, biosecurity, universal jurisdiction, the Alien Tort Statute, and the state secrets privilege. By Benjamin Wittes, Jack Goldsmith and Robert Chesney.
Edited by Katharine Van Tassel.
Covers news and discussion on the conflict of laws in private international law cases. Editor is Martin George of the University of Birmingham. Published in association with the Journal of Private International Law.
Covers constitutional theory, feminist legal theory, law and economics, normative legal theory and more. By University of Virginia School of Law Professor Lawrence B. Solum.
Focuses on issues and the differences in how the law relates to economic organizations, political organizations, religious, ethnic and family organizations. By Penn State School of Law Professor Larry Catá Backer.
Commentary on law, business, economics and culture. By UCLA School of Law Professor Stephen Bainbridge.
By Professors Dan Markel, Ethan J. Leib, Rob Howse, Paul Horwitz, Rick Garnett, Matt Bodie, Steve Vladeck and Orly Lobel.
By Steven D. Schwinn and Ruthann Robson.
A Canadian cooperative weblog on all things legal.
Provides legal analysis and commentary on topical legal news and cases.
Edited by S. Alan Childress, Michael S. Frisch, and Jeffrey M. Lipshaw.
Edited by Rebecca C. Morgan and Katherine C. Pearson.