November 2023 Real Estate and Property Law Top Blawgs
By Miles J. Dolinger. Covers the rights of property owners and residents, as well as relevant real estate and land use laws in Santa Cruz, San Jose, and Monterey Counties.
Covers condo hotels, finance, land use, management agreements, and outlooks and trends. By Jim Butler of Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell LLP.
The Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law's student run, real estate law association.
Covers legal issues associated with geospatial data and technology. Published by Kevin Pomfret.
Covers the defense of accessibility claims under the ADA and FHA. By Richard Hunt.
Edited by Zachary Bray, Jerrold Long, Christopher Odinet and Sally Richardson.
Covers landlord-tenant and consumer law. By Offit Kurman.
Covers Virginia condominium and homeowner's Association law. By LeClair Ryan.
Includes news, cases and commentary on real estate and property law in New York and nationwide. By Newman Ferrara LLP.
Covers workers compensation, employment, estate, injury and accident, real estate and property law. By Racine Olson.
Covers transactional real estate, development/redevelopment, and environmental law. By Gibbons.
Focuses on employment law, personal injury, construction law, real estate law, workers' compensation, civil rights and appeals.
Edited by Professors Matthew J. Festa, James J. Kelly, Jr., Stephen R. Miller, Jessica Owley and Kenneth A. Stahl.
Covers business-related legal current events and topics in areas including: litigation, labor law, creditors' remedies, real estate law, mediation and arbitration, construction law, intellectual property, and more.
Provides information related to estate planning, real estate, business law, family law, and consumer advocacy. From Johnston Tomei Lenczycki & Goldberg, LLC.
Covers estate planning, HOA & condo associations and family law in North Carolina.
Covers legal issues relating to condominium ownership and homeowners associations. Published by Inman & Strickler, PLC.
Covers Colorado community association law. By HindmanSanchez.
Covers estate planning, real estate and property law. By Crockett Law Corp.