November 2023 Tax Law Top Blawgs
Edited by University of Miami School of Law Professor Michael Froomkin, The Journal of Things We Like (Lots)–JOTWELL–invites law professors to join us in filling a telling gap in legal scholarship by creating a space where legal academics will go to identify, celebrate, and discuss the best new legal scholarship.
Covers tax law. By Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman.
By Gray Reed.
By Fox Rothschild LLP.
Cross-Border Counselor: What Canadian Companies and Their Advisors Need to Know About U.S. Law
Collection of articles and updates about U.S. law issues of concern to Canadian companies that have assets, do business, raise funds or are listed for trading in the United States, as well as the attorneys, accountants and banks that advise them.By Dorsey & Whitney LLP’s Canada cross-border practice group.
Covers decisions and developments in federal and state taxation. By Asbury Law Firm.
Covers estate planning, tax and probate law. Published by Moravecs, a Professional Law Corporation.
Covers building, protecting and distributing wealth. By Samuels Yoelin Kantor LLP.
Covers forensic accounting, estate administration, and personal, corporate, and estate income taxes.
Covers tax law. By Lance Crossborder Law and Tax.
Tax and budget policy by Dan Shaviro
Offers a perspective on current agricultural law issues. By the Center for Agricultural Law and Taxation at Iowa State University.
Covers Indian tax topics, including income tax for residents and non-residents, service taxes, and wealth tax matters.
By Marc Soss.
A corporate, family and tax law blog. By Moses & Moses, P.C.
By the Law Office of Thomas S. Groth.
Covers key issues in agricultural law and taxation, including federal and state legal opinions and critical legislative developments. From Iowa State University's Center for Agricultural Law & Taxation.
Covers tax law, legal education, the First Amendment, religion, and law generally. By Villanova law professor James Edward Maule.
Covers corporate, non-profit, estates, individual or international taxes. By Kelly Erb.
Covers tax and legal issues relating to federal and Florida tax, estate planning, probate, and business matters. By Charles Rubin.