September 2023 Canada Top Blawgs
Law school blog and podcast from Canada.
A Canadian cooperative weblog on all things legal.
Covers British Columbia injury claims the the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia. By Eric Magraken.
Covers construction law, employment law and wills and estates in Canada.
Covers employment law in Ontario.
Covers Canadian employment law issues. By Minken Employment Lawyers.
Covers IP/IT law, with a strong focus on copyright and internet law. By Barry Sookman.
Commentary on Canadian trademarks & technology law. By Clark Wilson LLP.
Covers estate planning topics, trusts, probate, Enduring Powers of Attorney, health care directives, incapacity issues and elder law. By Lynne Butler.
Covers criminal law stories in Canada. By Bruce Karten and Stephen Hebscher.
Covers current trends and ideas in the areas of ADR and mediation. By Stephen Raymond.
Covers developments in privacy law. By David T.S. Fraser.
Covers workplace conflict management systems. By Blaine Donais.
Discusses news, cases, legislation and anything to do with Intellectual Property law.
Covers Canadian criminal law, current cases and legal events in Canada.
Covers legal and commercial developments affecting all forms of intellectual property, including patent, trademark, copyright law, branding and advertising, trade dress and trade secrets. By Norton Rose Fulbright Canada.
Covers employment and labour law issues, including industrial relations/labour and human resources, business immigration and international mobility, enterprise and collective labour agreements and occupational health and safety matters, By Norton Rose Fulbright.
Covers healthcare enforcement and regulations. By Norton Rose Fulbright.
Focuses on the legal issues impacting the fracking industry in response to the increasing importance of natural gas and shale, in particular, in the US energy mix. Provides commentary and analysis on all aspects of exploring and producing this abundant resource including regulatory, environmental and legislative developments. By Norton Rose Fulbright.
Addresses private equity, foreign investment in Canada, antitrust/competition, cross-border transactions, litigation, taxation, employment and intellectual property issues that affect deal-making. By Norton Rose Fulbright.