April 2024 Criminal Law Top Blawgs
Edited by University of Miami School of Law Professor Michael Froomkin, The Journal of Things We Like (Lots)–JOTWELL–invites law professors to join us in filling a telling gap in legal scholarship by creating a space where legal academics will go to identify, celebrate, and discuss the best new legal scholarship.
News and information gateway to web based services provided by the New York State Supreme Court Criminal Term Library in New York County.
Covers North Carolina criminal law and procedure. From the UNC School of Government.
Features discussions between judges and lawyers in the Richard E. Gerstein Justice Building.
Covers criminal defense matters in Los Angeles.
Covers Maryland laws on drug arrests, DUI and gun crimes. By the Herbst Firm.
By Douglas A. Berman.
Edited by Douglas A. Berman.
A New York Criminal Defense Blog. By Scott H. Greenfield.
Covers trials and litigation and criminal, family and injury law. By Freeman & Fuson.
Criminal law issues and commentary. Edited by Kevin Cole.
Covers traffic ticket laws and news. By Matthew J. Weiss.
Provides legal commentary, opinions, and articles on criminal law.
Covers Boston criminal law and DUI news. By the Law Offices of Lefteris K. Travayiakis, P.C.
Covers criminal defense, civil litigation and whistleblowers.
Discusses the intersection of civil rights, criminal defense, and police misconduct litigation, from the perspective of a NYC litigator. By Michael Lumer.
Covers DUI law. By M. Varn Chandola.
Covers mortgage fraud information, fraud schemes and indictments. By Rachel Dollar.
Focuses on federal and state landmark cases and current criminal defense litigation, cases and notable crimes in Dallas, Texas.
Looks at white collar, congressional, SEC, energy enforcement and other government inquiries. By McGuireWoods.