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30 Aug 2024, 2:13 pm
Now available: Peter Charles Hoffer, The Supreme Court Footnote: A Surprising History (NYU Press, 2024). [read post]
30 Aug 2024, 2:13 pm by Christine Corcos
Now available: Peter Charles Hoffer, The Supreme Court Footnote: A Surprising History (NYU Press, 2024). [read post]
30 Apr 2008, 3:28 am
Crooked Timber and other blogs carry the news this morning of the death of Charles Tilly, Joseph L. [read post]
21 May 2012, 7:41 pm by Mike Widener
In the previous post I discussed a book by Johann Peter von Ludewig (1668-1743), one of the leading German jurists and historians of the early 18th century. [read post]
7 Jun 2021, 6:49 am by Daily Record Staff
Torts — Medical malpractice — Sufficiency of evidence Appellants, Rebecca Morris and Charles Fitzpatrick are the parents of appellant, Peter Fitzpatrick. [read post]
26 Nov 2011, 12:47 pm
Peters, Missouri and 18 year old Mackenzie Hofmeister of Cottleville, Missouri. [read post]
23 Jun 2009, 4:44 am
More Congressional Reform Activity: The Peters and Durbin Bills Senator Charles Schumer's "Shareholder Bill of Rights" is not the only legislation floating around the Hills these days seeking to reform corporate governance. [read post]
11 Sep 2015, 3:31 pm by Jeffrey Carr
Rachel Peters, 17, was also seriously injured and taken to Mercy. [read post]
5 Feb 2008, 12:49 pm
What I'd love to ask Peter Drucker is: How do you grow an economy without the jobs and taxes that these unnecessary things produce? [read post]
4 Jan 2012, 9:38 pm
Peters, Missouri stopped improperly on the I-64 exit ramp to Highway K in a 2008 Mazda 3. [read post]
1 Nov 2013, 12:19 pm by Rebecca Tushnet
He is also a professor at the University of Bergen (Norway), and regularly teaches at the Munich Intellectual Property Law Center (Munich), Monash University (Melbourne) and Charles University (Prague). [read post]
28 Mar 2011, 10:04 am by Tiffany Chiao
InformationWeek, February 18, 2011 by Charles Babcock A member of the audience suggested that the recent decision in the Bilski vs. [read post]
23 Sep 2008, 4:09 pm
Charles Calomiris of the Columbia Busisness School and Peter Wallison of AEI have an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal today arguing that the subprime mess is largely due to... [read post]