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3 May 2022, 6:44 pm
Contents include:ArticlesEyal Benvenisti, The Birth and Life of the Definition of Military Objectives Brooke Marshall, Asymmetric Jurisdiction Clauses and the Anomaly Created by Article 31(2) of the Brussels I Recast Regulation Bryan Mercurio & Pratyush Nath Upreti, The Legality of a TRIPS Waiver for COVID-19 Vaccines Under International Investment Law Raphael Ren & Soh Lip Shan, How to Identify Insiders and Intruders Disguising as Investors in the Assignment of… [read post]
11 Nov 2022, 5:40 pm
From the TrenchesBryan Mercurio & Pratyush Nath Upreti, From Necessity to Flexibility: A Reflection on the Negotiations for a TRIPS Waiver for Covid-19 Vaccines and Treatments [read post]
9 Jan 2023, 7:59 am
This Kat is happy to share with our readers her review of “Intellectual Property Objectives in International Investment Agreements”, authored by Pratyush Nath Upreti (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, 284 pp.). [read post]
19 Jan 2023, 4:52 am
Indeed, she highlighted how the discrepancy between the meaning of a claim and its description can be caused by the loss of commas aimed at the delineation of a crucial sub-clause in the claim.Book ReviewsBook Review: Intellectual Property Objectives in International Investment AgreementsAnastasiia Kyrylenko reviewed the book written by Pratyush Nath Upreti and published by Edward Elgar Publishing, entitled “Intellectual Property Objectives in International… [read post]
17 Jul 2015, 10:15 am
The term 'engineering compromise' is not one that this Kat had previously encountered, till he met it on the Class 99 design law weblog via a guest post from Pratyush Nath Upreti. [read post]
23 Jan 2024, 3:59 am
• Intellectual Property Rights in the Post Pandemic World: An Integrated Framework of Sustainability, Innovation and Global Justice, by Taina Pihlajarinne, Jukka Mähönen, and Pratyush Nath Upreti. [read post]