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1 Nov 2022, 1:57 pm by INFORRM
In December 2021, the actress Sienna Miller called her settlement from NGN “tantamount to an admission of liability on the part of the Sun”. [read post]
26 Jun 2008, 1:55 pm
Miller, the Court’s last Second Amendment case from 1939. [read post]
20 Feb 2008, 7:41 am
Steven Hatfill’s possible role in the 2001 anthrax attacks. [read post]
12 Jan 2018, 4:07 am by Edith Roberts
” In an op-ed for the Washington Examiner, Henry Miller urges the court to review Weyerhaeuser Company v. [read post]
11 Jun 2010, 8:52 am by John Bratt
Ron Miller and I have a tendency to get off-topic when we are collaborating on a case or project. [read post]
9 May 2023, 11:39 am by Adrian Santiago
Car accident laws are a set of legal rules and regulations that govern the rights and obligations of drivers, passengers, and pedestrians involved in a motor vehicle accident. [read post]
5 May 2023, 11:34 am by Adrian Santiago
Note: This page was written with the assistance of artificial intelligence software, but was reviewed for accuracy and approved by attorney Steven Miller, Esq. [read post]
1 Mar 2012, 9:31 am by jlep
Editor-in-Chief: Adam Park Executive Editor: Nathaniel Harris Managing Editor: Benjamin Charlton Publications Editor: Morgan Shields Senior Articles Editor: Genevieve Miller Articles Editors: Peter Anderson, Kylie Caporuscio, Anthony Kanakis Articles Submissions Editor: Anthony Kanakis Senior Research Editor: Jennifer Johnston Research Editors: Jason Malashevich, Tom Randall, David Brodian Senior Notes Editor: Carolyn Head Notes Editors: Mark Stevens, Emily Barber, Juan Kassar… [read post]
7 Sep 2012, 6:30 am by Joseph M. Donegan
Steven Miller, Deputy Commissioner for Enforcement, recently touched on the subject earlier this year at the Tax Executives Institute, and noted that all IRS agents were receiving additional training on the use of summons. [read post]
10 Sep 2012, 4:04 pm by Darrin Mish
" In response to the opposition, Deputy IRS Commissioner, Steven Miller assured a subcommittee in the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee in the House of Representatives, “IRS revenue agents will not be involved (in enforcing the rule). [read post]
30 Apr 2017, 6:31 am by INFORRM
 They were, in descending order: News: Supreme Court dismisses newspapers’ Article 10 CFA appeals Case Law: Stunt v Associated Newspapers, Mail heads off attempt by businessman to prevent use of personal data in important decision on the Data Protection Act – Keith Mathieson News: Katie Hopkins lodges application for permission to appeal in Twitter libel case Brexit and the Tragic Downfall of British Media – Steven Barnett The Supreme Court decision in Flood,… [read post]
15 Nov 2010, 8:54 am by David Ward
This weekend, I saw a video of a TV commercial by Florida divorce attorney, Steven D. [read post]
27 Oct 2011, 7:09 am by Kiran Bhat
Briefly: At Reason, Damon Root notes that although commentators often hail Justice John Paul Stevens as a liberal icon, “Stevens’ jurisprudence led him in some very illiberal directions” in several First and Fifth Amendment cases. [read post]