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5 Dec 2022, 8:06 am
Juzgado de Paz Letrado de Urubamba que despacha la Juez Bellota Guzmán Judith Andrea a quién quejara, siendo el señor Pereira Alagon, EN PRIMERA INSTANCIA quién declaró improcedente mi queja con argumentos que no se relacionaban con la conducta de la magistrada.El Expediente que he mencionado cumple en poder de la Sala TREINTIOCHO DÍAS CALENDARIO SIN QUE TENGA ESPERANZAS QUE LO RESUELVAN, vulnerando FLAGRANTEMENTE el… [read post]
18 Mar 2023, 5:24 pm
Voy a demandarlos por DAÑOS Y PERJUICIOS, especialmente por el DAÑO MORAL a sus padres y, naturalmente, el DAÑO FÍSICO al quedarnos sin comer por SEIS DÍAS la última vez, que seguramente se repetirá a partir del 26 de este mes, fecha en la que DEBE depositar la Pensión de Alimentos de abril de 2023, en tanto la Juez: BELLOTA GUZMÁN Judith Andrea, no hará uso de sus facultades para que PAGUE cuando debe pagar y no cuando… [read post]
8 Nov 2013, 4:00 am
State sued for defamation after publication of information depicting the plaintiff as a “sexual offender/predator”2013 NY Slip Op 51814(U), Court of Claims, Judge Judith A. [read post]
16 Jan 2020, 9:30 pm
As I’m joined by my colleague and fellow historian of Peru, Judith Mansilla, for the next two blog posts, we bring in another voice to harmonize with us: the contemporary Spanish musician Alejandro Sanz. [read post]
5 Jul 2016, 11:15 am
Basu, Kaushik, Henrik Horn, Lisa Román, and Judith Shapiro, eds. [read post]
2 Jul 2020, 9:00 pm
"Judith Goldiner, attorney-in-charge of the Civil Law Reform Unit at the Legal Aid Society (which supported the legislation), noted, "[The new law] doesn't cancel rent. [read post]
6 Aug 2013, 2:49 pm
Judith A. [read post]
9 Jun 2023, 12:58 pm
Por otro lado, no obstante haber DENUNCIADO a la juez BELLOTA GUZMÁN JUDITH ANDREA, esta persona sigue maltratando mis derechos constitucionales y los de mi esposa QUE ESTÁ GRAVEMENTE ENFERMA DE LA MENTE, igualmente las consecuencias de la decisión de la corrupta Fiscal EMMA ARTEAGA CASTAÑEDA, (Caso 132-2023) no son atendidas con la celeridad que corresponde por el Fiscal responsable Juan Carlos LAMIA Chalhua, el único… [read post]
22 Mar 2017, 8:23 am
· Proposals for alternative formats,or anarchicsessions: 250 word abstract (including indicative timings) and a 50 word biographyfor each participantAbout the Centre for Law and CultureThe Centrefor Law and Culture is an interdisciplinary hubforresearch at theintersections of law,justice, and the humanities, engaging legal study that spans topics and themes fromacross critical and cultural legalstudies and therebyincubating and promoting the… [read post]
28 Nov 2015, 6:30 am
When he noted the presence of his predecessor, Chief Judge Judith Kaye, the audience, packed with New York lawyers, responded with vigorous and prolonged applause. [read post]
27 Mar 2017, 5:07 pm
Judith Miller of The New York Times when she refused to identify the source of information leading to the unmasking of a CIA covert agent, as many say happened in the case of Mrs. [read post]
14 Mar 2017, 2:17 pm
Keynote speakers Larry Catá Backer (Pennsylvania State University)Karin Buhmann (Copenhagen Business School) Geert van Calster (KU Leuven) Jan Eijsbouts (formerly University of Maastricht/AKZO-Nobel) Liesbeth Enneking (Utrecht University) Judith van Erp (Utrecht University) Gilles Goedhart (Ministery of Foreign Affairs) Nicola Jägers (Tilburg University) Radu Mares (Raoul Wallenberg Institute)Channa Samkalden (Prakken d'Oliveira) Martijn Scheltema (Erasmus University… [read post]
7 Mar 2022, 8:33 am
So, it does make sense to relax restrictions as we learn to live with the virus,” said Health Commissioner Judith Persichilli. [read post]
25 Aug 2018, 10:05 am
Name School Citations Age in 2018 1 Reva Siegel Yale University 1340 62 2 Michelle Alexander Union Theological Seminary 1030 50 3 Judith Resnik Yale University 1000 68 4 Deborah Rhode Stanford University 980 66 5 Martha Nussbaum University of Chicago 930 71 6 Lee Epstein Washington University, St. [read post]
30 Oct 2014, 12:09 am
“Identifying and prioritizing the state’s most seriously polluted waters are important steps in the effort to reduce water pollution,” said Judith Enck, EPA Regional Administrator. [read post]
19 Nov 2017, 1:32 pm
This week, check out reviews of Pamela Swett’s Selling under the Swastika: Advertising and Commercial Culture in Nazi Germany; Stephanie Hinnershitz’s A Different Shade of Justice: Asian American Civil Rights in the South; Judith Geisberg’s Sex and the Civil War: Soldiers, Pornography, and the Making of an American Morality, and John Ryan Fischer’s Cattle Colonialism: An Environmental History of the Conquest of California and Hawai’i. [read post]
17 Jan 2013, 4:25 am
“EPA grants to replace dirty diesel engines with cleaner models protect people’s health, create jobs and cut fuel costs,” said EPA Regional Administrator, Judith A. [read post]
23 Mar 2022, 12:06 am
A raíz de la Demanda de Alimentos iniciada contra mi hija, conocida y resuelta por la señora Juez , Judith Andrea Bellota Guzmán, en la que las partes NO HAN APELADO el monto de la Pensión, el suscrito lo ha echo por la absurda distribución de la misma, especialmente porque mi esposa está MUY ENFERMA DE LA MENTE y tanto ella como la demandada utilizan el dinero para someterme, a mi hija no le satisface habernos quitado TODOS… [read post]
24 Sep 2024, 5:32 am
In response, librarian and free speech activist Judith F. [read post]