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17 Apr 2023, 2:20 pm
So the City definitely gets to charge the electricity company (and gas company, cable company, internet provider, etc. etc.) fees for that access.But, of course, the company just turns around and charges its customers those same costs. [read post]
17 Apr 2023, 5:50 am by INFORRM
 Last week in the courts On 4 April 2023, judgement on costs was handed down by Justice Murray in the case of Parkes v Hall and Earnshaw [2023] EWHC 794 (KB). [read post]
17 Apr 2023, 1:20 am by JR Chaves
Lo que resulta más sorprendente y que recuerda un gambito de ajedrez (o sea, un sacrificio menor para obtener ventaja final) es la decisión de la Administración que está demandada por haber impuesto una sanción, de decretar en vía administrativa la caducidad del procedimiento para evitar la prosecución del proceso judicial. [read post]
16 Apr 2023, 2:56 am by Florian Mueller
If an implementer is found to infringe a valid and essential patent, and there's a pool license on the table that costs very little and covers maybe a few dozen patent families, a court may reasonably interpret Huawei v. [read post]