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25 Jan 2023, 11:10 am by Robin Frazer Clark
Third, such fees enable a client to share the risk of losing with a lawyer, who is usually better able to assess the risk and to bear it by undertaking similar arrangements in other cases (cf. [read post]
6 Jan 2007, 9:32 am
Indeed, in the Ninth Circuit, it appears "there is room in our precedent to conclude that the collective knowledge of law enforcement can support reasonable suspicion, even if the information known to others is not communicated to the detaining officer prior to a Terry stop, cf. [read post]
17 Dec 2019, 5:39 am by Kevin
 See “Bar Association: Lawyer-Administered Beatings May Be Unethical” (May 31, 2007) (reporting on the breakdown of settlement discussions in an Indian case); cf. [read post]
25 Jun 2009, 2:15 pm
This would be more in line with the rather restrictive view on passing-off prevailing in English law…"The ECJ ´s ruling in L'Oréal v Bellure is based, as I believe, on the notion of protection of investments, cf AG ´s opinion in Case C-206/01 Arsenal v Reed. [read post]
3 Oct 2022, 6:43 am by Andrew Lavoott Bluestone
“Damages in a legal malpractice case are designed to ‘make the injured client whole’ ” (Rudolf v Shayne, Dachs, Stanisci, Corker & Sauer, 8 NY3d 438, 443 [2007], quoting Campagnola v Mulholland, Minion & Roe, 76 NY2d 38, 42 [1990]), and defendants failed to meet their initial burden of establishing that decedent’s estate did not sustain any damages or that any damages were speculative (cf. [read post]
11 Mar 2007, 3:38 am
Arlen Specter (R-Pa), who never in his life tried for the congeniality prize, seemed to be sniping, but in fact it appears he is one of the more conspicuous Republican grumblers about this latest administration of abuse of power (but cf. [read post]
25 Jan 2023, 9:06 pm by Joe Whitworth
The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department has also told industry to stop importing raw oysters harvested in an area of France. [read post]
16 Sep 2024, 2:43 am by Andrew Lavoott Bluestone
Under these circumstances, plaintiff’s undisturbed “plea of guilty in the criminal proceeding bars recovery for legal malpractice allegedly committed by the defendant[s] in that proceeding” (Kaplan v Sachs, 224 AD2d 666, 667 [2d Dept 1996], appeal dismissed & lv denied 88 NY2d 952 [1996]; see Britt, 95 NY2d at 448; Carmel, 70 NY2d at 171; Shields, 78 AD3d at 1443; cf. [read post]
12 Jul 2024, 1:36 pm by Kevin
., “Court Criticizes Everybody Involved in Briefing That Totaled 5,415 Pages” (Oct. 30, 2009) (estimating that if printed and stacked this would be more than three feet tall); “Firm Shames Itself With 239-Page Brief” (Sept. 7, 2007) (noting brief was half the length of Huckleberry Finn); cf. [read post]
9 Jan 2025, 7:15 am by Brian Cordery (Bristows)
Following a brief introduction, Part 1 of Bucher’s article points the spotlight directly on Part G.II.6.2 of the EPO Guidelines (2024 version) (“the Guidelines”) which state: “The subject-matter of a claim defining a novel antibody binding to a known antigen does not involve an inventive step unless a surprising technical effect is shown in the application or unless there was no reasonable expectation of success of obtaining antibodies having the required properties… [read post]
30 Aug 2011, 1:08 pm
Sustenta violação aos arts. 2º, 5º, II, e § 2º, 49, I, 84, VIII, 97 e 150, II, da CF/88. [read post]
16 Feb 2012, 5:02 am
Impedido o ministro Gilmar Mendes Em discussão: Saber se os contratos de concessão realizados pelo Estado de Mato Grosso com diversas empresas colonizadoras ofendeu o disposto no artigo 156, parágrafo 2º, da CF de 1946. [read post]
29 Nov 2011, 4:11 pm
 Alega que a aplicação da lei sobre atos e fatos passados não contraria os princípios da segurança jurídica (artigo 5º, inciso XXXVI, da CF), ao argumento de que o parágrafo 9º do artigo 14 da CF prevê margem de liberdade para o legislador ordinário dispor sobre novas hipóteses de inelegibilidade, observado o requisito da “vida pregressa do candidato”. [read post]
23 Jun 2020, 5:50 am by Kevin Kaufman
Key Findings In nearly two of every three households in America with dependents, more than one person works to make ends meet. [read post]