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25 Jul 2018, 6:32 am by Amy Howe
Kavanaugh interviewed with Trump on Monday, July 2, and with Vice President Mike Pence on Wednesday, July 4. [read post]
30 Oct 2008, 2:37 pm
Mike Madison (Pittsburgh) and others have ably discussed the virtue of memo assignments -- one benefit for professors that Glenn Cohen (Harvard) mentioned in a guest blogging stint here is that doing most of grading during the semester frees up valuable time for uninterrupted writing at the end. [read post]
10 Mar 2009, 11:40 pm
Mike Madison's post about law review submissions comes at this issue from another direction. [read post]
1 Mar 2011, 5:45 am by Dan Filler
For those with archival interests, and with apologies for incomplete data which I'm not going to bother updating at this point, here are prior lists: 2008-09 Law School Dean Search List  2009-10 Law School Dean Search List   Albany (Dean Thomas Guernsey serving until summer 2011) (Roger Abrams, Jim Chen, Mike Madison, Anna Williams Shavers and Larry Solan finalists) Arkansas (Dean Cynthia Nance serving until summer 2011) (search committee here) Boston… [read post]
5 Mar 2018, 8:46 pm by Alan J. Borsuk
To watch the one-hour “On the Issues with Mike Gousha” program at which Franklin presented the results, click here. [read post]
20 Jan 2015, 12:12 pm by Michael Risch
That's how it goes, I suppose, except that at the beginning of this year, Madisonian retooled to become an individual blog of its namesake, Mike Madison, again. [read post]
14 Dec 2011, 11:49 am by Stephen Griffin
Thanks largely to the excellent scholarship of Mike Ramsey and William Casto, I accept that it is likely that the vesting clause of Article II is a reasonable textual basis for presidential power in foreign affairs. [read post]
5 Apr 2012, 10:57 am by CJLF Staff
Mike Rushford of the CJLF said the important thing is not which drugs states use specifically, but to simplify the process so arguments against lethal injections have little ground left to stand on. [read post]
4 Jun 2018, 9:30 pm by Patricia Liverpool
From Ashley Madison to Equifax, data breaches have increasingly plagued companies and their consumers in recent years. [read post]
10 Apr 2022, 5:01 am by jonathanturley
Mark Copelovitch, a UW-Madison professor of political science and public affairs, objected to the absence of an expert on public opinion research on the board. [read post]
8 Aug 2012, 3:24 pm by lawmrh
I’d better take a nap,” by Mike Epp, mike@bensalem, at Flickr via Creative Commons-licensed content requiring attribution; “Explaining the finer points of Google Analytics to the dog,” by CyprusPictures at Flickr via Creative Commons-licensed content requiring attribution and share alike distribution; “Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi at an appearance at James Madison University,”by Amy Nicole Waltney, at Wikipedia Commons under… [read post]
27 Oct 2016, 8:33 am by Alan J. Borsuk
During  an “On the Issues with Mike Gousha” program Wednesday (Oct. 26, 2016), two of the leaders of the commission conveyed a message of professionalism and commitment to doing the jobs well . [read post]
7 Jan 2010, 7:05 pm by Kim Krawiec
In particular, I wanted to focus on three points raised by Glenn, some of which are also raised by Mike Madison and Jacqui Lipton in their comments: junior faculty workshops, specialized/interdisciplinary workshops, and workshop format. 1. [read post]
Anonymous speech is recognized as part of our First Amendment rights and is an old American tradition that goes back to the Federalist Papers, which were written anonymously by (we now know) James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay. [read post]