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24 May 2018, 9:01 pm
Barry Aarons, who has lobbied at the Legislature for 40 years, said the public is in for a bad impression of Arizona politics no matter the outcome of the trial. [read post]
25 Apr 2011, 7:37 pm
I think he, Sean Flynn, and Kevin Outterson have, in various venues, made a compelling case for Vermont’s restrictions. [read post]
26 Sep 2011, 3:46 am
If they were not, it is likely that this was due to a lack of understanding of the law on the part of the homeowners or the police, who apparently considered these to be civil law matters. [read post]
14 Feb 2016, 4:02 pm
The most significant law and media news of the week was the announcement on Friday that the Independent newspapers are the close in March. [read post]
16 May 2007, 8:44 am
" "I've got news for you, pal; you just keep doing what it looks like you're supposed to be doing, no matter how ridiculous it seems. [read post]
12 Oct 2009, 1:42 pm
I. [read post]
13 Oct 2009, 11:01 pm
As noted previously, the Fifth Circuit panel's decision in Skilling's appeal failed to reconcile the reasoning in upholding Skilling's conviction for honest services wire-fraud with earlier Fifth Circuit panel decisions on the same issue in the Nigerian Barge and Kevin Howard cases. [read post]
1 Apr 2018, 4:21 pm
The difference matters, because in order to sustain their claim, the Overstock shareholders must establish that the defendants acted with scienter, whereas the ICO investors do not need to establish that the ICO issuer acted with improper intent. [read post]
5 Feb 2022, 7:45 am
The Good Story – When It Mattered Podcast Ep. 49 — Chitra Ragavan June 2020 2020 – Law360: Bill Marler and COVID-19 , Jill Coffey May 29 2020 – An Exclusive Conversation with Foodborne Illness Attorney Bill Marler QA Magazine, Lisa Lupo, March/April 2020 – He helped make burgers safer, Now he is fighting food poisoning again, Washington Post, January 19 2018 – Bill Marler: 25 Years of Food Safety, Food Safety Magazine, May 8… [read post]
20 Dec 2011, 8:18 am
Georgia’s New Non-Compete Statute The third webinar of the year, led by Bob Stevens and Erika Birg with guest panelist Kevin Levitas, former member of the Georgia House of Representatives, focused on Georgia’s Revised Restrictive Covenant Act. [read post]
15 Apr 2008, 11:14 am
On the other hand, a prosecutor can charge a person with money laundering no matter how tenuous the connection between the criminal act that produced the gain and the actions of the person charged with the crime. [read post]
31 May 2019, 3:54 am
“Any firm — it doesn’t matter what the firm is — once they get dominant market power, they don’t want to give it up,” he said. [read post]
9 Mar 2011, 9:14 am
ESI Planning Calculator - (ComplexDiscovery) KMWorld 100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management - (Hugh McKeller) NARA 2010 Records Management Self-Assessment Report (PDF) (National Archives) Proportional Discovery: Making It The Norm Rather Than The Exception (PDF) (Gordon Netzorg,Tobin Kern) Technology and Tactics 4 Techniques for Securing Your Email Server -… [read post]
11 Apr 2022, 5:59 am
Kevin Jon Heller proposes establishing a hybrid tribunal under the auspices of the CoE–an “Extraordinary Ukrainian Chamber for Aggression” (EUCA). [read post]
3 Mar 2017, 6:31 am
Kevin Rader i [read post]
27 Oct 2011, 6:33 am
State efforts to intervene in immigration matters seem on the rise, not decline. [read post]
24 Mar 2017, 6:07 am
But some legal experts said the gift ban law at the center of JCOPE’s case does not seem to apply to the Libous matter, as well as the case of former Sen. [read post]
20 Dec 2018, 9:01 pm
But no matter the amount, the commission said use of the site for political fundraising is prohibited due to the difficulty in tracing the source of the donations. [read post]
8 Jul 2009, 9:00 pm
The Secret Service declined to comment on the matter Wednesday, citing the continuing TJX prosecutions. [read post]
21 Dec 2011, 9:11 am
Francis Pileggi summed it up, as did Kevin LaCroix, Alison Frankel, and Steven Davidoff, Business Law Prof, and some Gibson Dunn lawyers over at the Harvard Law School Forum. [read post]