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4 Jan 2011, 10:02 am by GuestPost
It is interesting that at the ECHR the state appeared to represent that defeat as evidence of an anti-abortion majority in the state, particularly when only some 42% of the population turned out to vote. [read post]
14 Feb 2007, 12:38 am
Saxe, J.P., Friedman, Marlow, Buckley, Sweeny, JJ. ... 9. . The People of the State of New York, SCI / Appellant, v. [read post]
26 Jul 2010, 3:10 am by Scott A. McKeown
Enforcement of Injunction Stayed in View of Patent Reexamination In Flexiteek v. [read post]
24 Aug 2020, 4:20 am by Florence Campbell Jones
In her judgment, handed down in April 2020, Mrs Justice Lang found that the NCA’s assumptions relating to the requirements which must be met in order to obtain a UWO were “unreliable”. [read post]
22 Oct 2013, 10:34 am by Larry Catá Backer
Available from: (j) Familiarize themselves with the United Nations Global Compact, the platform of the United Nations for engaging the business sector, and how to participate. [read post]
30 Jan 2012, 3:07 am by New Books Script
Frankfurt am Main ; New York : Peter Lang, 2011 xiv, 355 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. [read post]