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16 May 2023, 9:26 am by Matthew L.M. Fletcher
It has largely been elucidated by legal scholars in Canada, including Emily Snyder, Val Napoleon, and John Borrows. [read post]
9 Sep 2014, 4:29 pm by Tom Smith
" Curated by Katharine Baetjer, the show features 35 exquisite portraits, scenic and narrative compositions—16th- and 17th-century English ones, French ones from the Revolutionary era through the Napoleonic Empire, as well as a selection of gold boxes ornamented with miniature scenes. [read post]
18 May 2010, 1:04 am
As described here, the move constituted the 1st official breach of the pact (about which we also posted here), but the move was preceded by much Napoleonic behavior that threatened the balance of power contemplated in the treaty and thus riled Britain. [read post]
9 Jan 2010, 8:02 am by Federal and Extradition Defense
The country's embattled mining and metalworkers' union head, Napoleon Gomez Urrutia, who represents workers at several Canadian-owned operations, fled to Canada to avoid being arrested on fraud charges pertaining to the alleged mismanagement of a workers' trust fund worth $55 million U.S. [read post]
8 Sep 2010, 2:59 am
 "These materials are considered oxygen-impermeable, and can create anaerobic conditions that allow for C. botulinum growth and toxin formation," the warning letter says.FDA recommended strict temperature controls to control C. botulinum growth and toxin formation.In addition, FDA said Napoleon Deli was not monitoring water safety; keeping food contact surfaces clean, and was not properly storing and using toxic chemicals. [read post]
31 Oct 2012, 1:14 pm by Buce
 We distributed our napoleons amongst the servants, to try to safeguard some of them. [read post]
10 May 2012, 12:18 pm
The thieves also tried to remove a flag of Napoleon's First Regiment from its frame before giving up and making off with a bronze finial in the shape of an eagle from atop the flag - ignoring more valuable letters with Napoleon's signature. [read post]
30 Sep 2007, 1:05 pm
I was discussing with my friend Justin Schwartz the always amusing question of whether some philosopher, in this case Rorty (prompted by this post), will be read in 25 or 50 years. [read post]
20 Feb 2009, 1:00 pm
., and Eugene Napoleon, CEO / President of Nap Records and Nap Sports, LLC., & Best selling Author of "Dream Real. [read post]
6 Sep 2006, 10:54 am
" At the same time, however, he criticizes the Bush administration's failure to prepare for what Bush in a rare moment of candor called a "catastrophic success":No leader since Napoleon has roiled the Middle East as has George W. [read post]
22 Nov 2008, 6:46 pm
After Thanksgiving, the lovely Amber Taylor of Prettier Than Napoleon and I will switch venues and continue our epistolary blogging on Law and Letters, so that this blog actually has content again. [read post]
1 Apr 2022, 9:17 am by Tom Smith
Tolstoy noted a similar moment at Borodinó, two centuries ago, when the “moral force” of Napoleon’s army was exhausted outside Moscow—a victory that “convinced the enemy of the moral superiority of his opponent and of his own impotence. [read post]
14 Oct 2022, 8:00 am by Tom Smith
“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake,” Napoleon reportedly said two centuries ago. [read post]
3 Nov 2011, 8:33 am by Kimberly Alderman
Amidst the pillaged documents were texts referenced to Abraham Lincoln, Napoleon, Beethoven, George Washington, and John Hancock. [read post]
5 Jun 2023, 7:25 am by InhouseBlog
Napoleon, in describing military genius, said something like: The true genius is the one “who can do the average thing,” when those around him grow hysterical with emotion and fright. [read post]
19 Jul 2013, 4:00 am by Cordell Parvin
I will leave you with this Napoleon Hill quote: I know that I have the ability to achieve the object of my Definite Purpose in life, therefore, I demand of myself persistent, continuous action toward its attainment, and I here and now promise to render such action. [read post]
4 Sep 2012, 4:00 am by Val Napoleon
Val Napoleon For anyone interested in a critical, practical, and political exploration of reconciliation, Colleen Murphy’s book is a wonderful resource. [read post]
27 Apr 2010, 1:04 am
Every infraction of this provision will be subject to loss of French citizenship.This was not France's 1st go-round on the issue: Slavery had been abolished in 1794, during the French Revolution, but then was reinstated in 1802 by Napoleon. [read post]