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30 Apr 2018, 9:00 am
Jennifer Gonzales, a psychologist with the San Francisco Department of Veterans Affairs; Christine Loeber, the executive director of the home and Dr. [read post]
9 May 2018, 9:35 am
Join Socially Aware contributors Miriam Wugmeister, Christine Lyon, Alex van der Wolk, and Alja Poler De Zwart on Tuesday, June 19, from 12:00 pm until 1:00 pm ET to learn about data processors’ obligations, the GDPR’s impact on outsourcing and vendor agreements, and more. [read post]
1 Jul 2018, 4:00 pm
Gregory Villegas, also known as Ray Matsui and Ray Mathis, Christine Gagnon, also known as Lisa Foster and Crystal Waters, and Mickey Gines heave each been charged with a single count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and 31 counts of wire fraud. [read post]
4 May 2008, 1:28 am
Direct your submission to: Professor Frank Partnoyfpartnoy@sandiego.eduUniversity of San Diego School of Law5998 Alcala ParkSan Diego, CA 92110 Papers will be selected after review by members of the Executive Committee of the Section on Business Associations, including: Richard Booth (Villanova)Eric Chiappinelli (Creighton, Dean)Lisa Fairfax (Maryland, Chair-Elect)Frank Gevurtz (MeGeorge)Christine Hurt (Illinois)Therese Maynard (Loyola-Los Angeles)Brett McDonnell (Minnesota)Frank… [read post]
3 Jun 2009, 7:58 pm
The AD under new chief Christine Varney can hardly wait to detect and undo cartels that have sprung up during the last several years of less-than-superhuman enforcement of antitrust law. [read post]
22 Dec 2023, 6:39 pm
Christine Wormuth, fired Brigadier General (BG) Warren Wells, the Army’s chief prosecutor and head of the Office of the Special Trial Counsel (OSTC), for an email he had sent ten years prior while in a defense counsel role. [read post]
22 Mar 2012, 11:42 am
” Washington governor Christine Gregoire (D) is expected to sign the legislation. [read post]
2 Nov 2007, 12:46 pm
The woman, Christine C. [read post]
5 May 2021, 4:00 am
Campaign Finance Montana: “Montana Supreme Court Says COPP Can’t Issue Subpoena for Records” by Holly Michels for Montana Standard Ohio: “Ohio Elections Complaint Seeks Campaign Spending Details from Householder-Aligned Candidate” by Andrew Tobias (Cleveland Plain Dealer) for MSN Elections National: “Newsmax Issues Retraction and Apology to Dominion Employee Over Election Stories” by Bente Birkeland for National Public Radio Ethics Illinois: “A Slew… [read post]
4 Dec 2015, 5:30 am
“New development can boost California’s economy, but we need to ensure workers’ rights aren’t torn down as new structures go up,” said Christine Baker, director of the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR). [read post]
29 Oct 2008, 6:39 pm
Christine Chinkin, Professor of International Law at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), discusses the feminist approach to international law. [read post]
16 Aug 2008, 12:01 am
Entre le droit et la politiqueCatherine Le Bris, Le dégel en Arctique: briser la glace entre Etats dans l'intérêt de l'humanitéChristine A. [read post]
12 Apr 2010, 3:34 pm
Indeed, I'm debating writing on this issue. before doing so, however, I need to figure out if I have anything to say in addition to what Norman Veasey and Christine DiGuglielmo said in their excellent article How Many Masters Can a Director Serve? [read post]
7 Feb 2012, 9:24 pm
After their significant television exposure, the cast of Sister Wives, Kody Brown and his four wives, Meri, Janelle, Christine, Robyn and their seventeen children, received threats of prosecution from Utah County Attorney Jeffrey Buhman. [read post]
31 May 2011, 2:52 am
In one article, Christine Dobby provides statistics for agribusiness owners from a 2010 survey conducted by the Ontario branch of the Canadian Federation of Independent Business. [read post]
27 Apr 2007, 11:45 am
Bashman ("How Appealing"); Professor Jason Czarnezki, Marquette University Law School ("Empirical Legal Studies"); Professor Richard Garnett, University of Notre Dame Law School ("Prawfsblog"); Professor Christine Hurt, University of Illinois College of Law ("Conglomerate"); and Professor Eugene Volokh, UCLA Law ("The Volokh Conspiracy") [read post]
30 Nov 2007, 11:57 am
This does not apply to airplane flights.In June of 2006, Washington Governor Christine Gregoire and B.C. [read post]
28 May 2024, 2:13 pm
” said Christine Lebron-Dykeman, Chair of the Trademark Practice Group. [read post]
22 May 2024, 11:55 pm
– Licht und Schatten im Vorschlag der Europäischen KommissionEditorial by Christine Budzikiewicz on the Commission Proposal for a EU Regulation on Parenthood and the Creation of a European Certificate of Parenthood Europäischer Emissionsrechtehandel – Eine Momentaufnahme nach der Reform durch das „Fit for 55“-PaketSebastian Steuer on European emissions trading: Carbon pricing according to the “cap and trade” principle plays a key role in… [read post]
5 Apr 2016, 6:32 am
Brian Cordery sets the stagefor second medical useAfter hearing the views of the IP judiciary, the Fordham audience was treated to a session devoted to second medical use claims, with Brian Cordery (Bristows LLP) moderating the panel. [read post]