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4 Apr 2016, 11:41 am
Andres Guadamuz, University of SussexFor the last couple of years, journalist Dune Lawrence has been subject to constant harassment. [read post]
4 Aug 2014, 5:22 am
September 1st 9.30-10 Registration and refreshments 10-10.15 Welcome andintroduction 10.15 – 11.30 – Regulation Andres Guadamuz, Everything I know about decentralization, I learned from animé Monica Horten, If the dumb pipe is corroding what does the corroded pipe look like? [read post]
3 Apr 2018, 3:30 am
Andres Guadamuz Bitcoin was created in 2009 by a member of a cryptography mailing list who goes under the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto, and whose identity is still a mystery. [read post]
6 Nov 2007, 8:04 am
Anyway, here is the information:Build your own worldAndres Guadamuz, AHRC21 November 2007 10am - 12.30pm The Lighthouse, Glasgow FreeAndres Guadamuz is an academic interested in the ownership implications of new technologies; in particular he researches intellectual property issues in User Generated Content and the so-called Web 2.0 phenomenon. [read post]
12 Dec 2019, 3:30 am
Andres Guadamuz The distributed ledger technology known as the blockchain has continued to gather interest in legal academia. [read post]
9 Mar 2023, 3:30 am
Andres Guadamuz Ever since Judge Easterbrook famously declared Cyberlaw to be “The Law of the Horse”, and despite Professor Lessig’s excellent rebuttal, there has been a reluctance to declare new areas of legal study spurred by new technologies. [read post]
16 May 2014, 3:29 pm
Andres Guadamuz. [read post]
29 Oct 2018, 3:30 am
Andres Guadamuz There has been growing academic interest in the topic of decentralised, distributed open ledger technology—better known as the blockchain (see my last Jot). [read post]
24 Feb 2014, 6:19 am
Over at Jotwell, Andres Guadamuz reviews Lee Edwards et al, Isn’t it just a way to protect Walt Disney’s rights? [read post]
25 Mar 2009, 12:37 am
There are very few spaces available, if you would like to attend email Andrés Guadamuz at Programme WEDNESDAY 1 APRIL 2009 9:30-10.00 Registration and Coffee 10:00 -10:05 Welcome Andrés Guadamuz, SCRIPT 10.05-10:10 Introduction to CII at the European Patent Office Joerg Machek, EPO 10:10-11:10 … [read post]
29 Mar 2017, 3:30 am
Andres Guadamuz Copyright often makes little sense, particularly when you explain it to people who are not familiar with its concepts. [read post]
18 Feb 2020, 7:43 am
Andrés Guadamuz (University of Sussex), Prof. [read post]
2 Apr 2007, 3:32 pm
Update II: Andres Guadamuz provides a terrific analysis of the legal issues associated with this case. [read post]
6 Sep 2007, 6:41 am
Last year’s GikII had two great presentations on this topic: Andrew Adams, From 1984 to V for Vendetta via Minority Report and Andrés Guadamuz, Killer Robots, Evil Scientists and Other Tales of Woe: How Technophobia in Culture Affects the Law. [read post]
7 Mar 2016, 3:30 am
Andres Guadamuz Have you ever thought of who will have access to your email when you die? [read post]
19 Oct 2011, 9:58 pm
Killer Robots, Evil Scientists and Other Tales of Woe View more presentations from Andres Guadamuz I am aware that the ECJ considered other legal issues in their ruling, but I still believe that it may have been informed by the blanket ban on patentability of anything that has the word “human” in front of it. [read post]
29 Sep 2007, 1:33 pm
This issue is packed with quality (says the person who wrote the editorial, so I'm clearly biased).In this issue: Editorial Back to the Future: Regulation of Virtual Worlds Andrés Guadamuz, pp.242-245 Peer-Reviewed Articles The European… [read post]
30 Jul 2010, 1:02 am
Reserve your place here: CONFERENCE SPEAKERS AND THEMES Speakers include: Dr Abbe Brown (University of Edinburgh) Andrés Guadamuz (SCRIPT Law and Technology Centre – University of Edinburgh) Ren Reynolds (Founder: the Virtual Policy Network) Professor Peter Yu (Kern Family Chair in Intellectual Property Law, Director, Intellectual Property Law Center, Drake University Law School) Assistant Professor Melissa de Zwart (University of South… [read post]
9 Apr 2014, 7:38 am
Please send your abstracts (not exceeding 700 words) to Andres Guadamuz or Professor Lilian Edwards by May 1st 2014. [read post]
29 Feb 2012, 12:50 pm
Pintesrest (online Pin Board, hailed as Facebook for Women), TechoLlama (brilliant IP professor with silly handle, so prefer his real name Andrés Guadamuz), complaining photographers, did I make a sentence yet? [read post]