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7 Jan 2023, 3:51 am by SHG
Andrew Fleischmann saw this as a product of “audience capture. [read post]
16 Feb 2019, 4:57 am by SHG
My dear pal and Georgia criminal appellate lawyer, Andrew Fleischman, noted what any principled criminal defense lawyer would see in these headlines. [read post]
19 Jun 2018, 4:18 am by SHG
Andrew Fleischman found stats showing that asylum seekers released on bond had a 98% return rate with counsel, 86% without counsel. [read post]
2 Feb 2019, 4:58 am by SHG
So when Andrew Fleischman twitted that Franks published a book, how could I be less than thrilled? [read post]
15 Apr 2011, 11:44 am by Justin Tenuto
” According to Andrew Flusche, the answer to this question is like that Meryl Streep movie nobody really liked: It’s Complicated. [read post]
27 Aug 2016, 4:41 am by SHG
To make the point clear, Andrew Fleischman offers an analogy: Imagine for a moment that you pleaded guilty to a crime five years ago. [read post]
3 Jul 2017, 5:30 am by SHG
As Andrew Fleischman twitted: As an appellate public defender, I can honestly say that I have 99 problems. [read post]
11 Nov 2015, 5:15 am by SHG
As Andrew Fleischman explained at Fault Lines, every factor, including being ordered by his superior, seemed to dictate that Chandrin Mullenix not shoot: Three quarters of a second before Leija would have hit one of three sets of road strips waiting for him, Officer Chandrin Mullenix fired six shots at his car, hitting him in the neck and killing him instantly. [read post]
28 Jun 2024, 3:59 am by SHG
Stay tuned next week for when, thanks to my Fault Lines colleague Andrew Fleischman, I make the case Bruce Wayne should’ve been on the Gotham City Child Protective Services radar a long time ago. [read post]
23 Aug 2016, 5:28 am by SHG
At Fault Lines, a debate was held on its constitutionality between Andrew Fleischman and Chris Seaton.* But New York doesn’t use fixed bail schedules. [read post]
12 Jul 2019, 4:14 am by Chris Seaton
Stay tuned next week for when, thanks to my Fault Lines colleague Andrew Fleischman, I make the case that Bruce Wayne should’ve been on the Gotham City Child Protective Service’s radar a long time ago. [read post]
20 Mar 2021, 4:17 am by SHG
  The following post, by my former Fault Lines colleague, Atlanta’s Andrew Fleischman, is the first in a series of posts debating with Miami’s David Oscar Markus the issue, “Is Rich Law better than Poor Law? [read post]
15 Nov 2015, 4:36 am by SHG
But reading the tea leaves of oral argument, Andrew Fleischman holds out a glimmer of hope from Justice Kagan’s mouth: You have Monsanto, you combine Monsanto with a—a simple factual acknowledgement that money is fungible, and it gets you to a judgment in this case. [read post]
8 Nov 2018, 2:50 am by SHG
On behalf of the Georgia Association of Criminal Defense Lawyer, Andrew Fleischman submitted an amicus brief on Glenn’s behalf. [read post]
26 May 2016, 5:15 am by SHG
In his ground level explainer of the decision, Andrew Fleischman captured the problem: It’s time to stop patting ourselves on the back for our “freedom. [read post]
1 Oct 2016, 4:09 am by SHG
But as Andrew Fleischman raised when another study was made public, there is yet another influence in the mix that the “Ferguson Effect” studies neglected entirely. [read post]
13 May 2021, 4:10 am by SHG
  *As that renowned wag, Andrew Fleischman notes, this is not true in Georgia, which explains a lot about Georgia. [read post]
5 Sep 2020, 3:50 am by SHG
Andrew Fleischman was kind enough to explain, although I’m disinclined to explain something so fundamentally obvious to a lawyer. [read post]