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22 Jun 2010, 4:12 am by Dianne Saxe
Tony Hayward Chief Executive Officer BP PLC 1 St. [read post]
16 Oct 2014, 12:02 pm by Elizabeth LaForgia
[JURIST] More than 100 Colombian farmers on Wednesday filed a lawsuit with the UK high court against British company Equion Energia [corporate website, in Spanish], previously known as BP Exploration Colombia (BPXC), for alleged negligence when it built the Ocensa oil pipeline. [read post]
4 May 2011, 9:25 am by Joe Consumer
The settlement also calls for BP Exploration Alaska Inc. to install a system-wide pipeline integrity management program. [read post]
4 May 2011, 9:25 am by Joe Consumer
The settlement also calls for BP Exploration Alaska Inc. to install a system-wide pipeline integrity management program. [read post]
14 Oct 2010, 9:24 am by Tom Kosakowski
Sporkin said that several BP executives have been "tremendously supportive" of the Ombuds Office, including John Minge, the head of BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc. [read post]
30 Jan 2013, 1:18 pm by WIMS
Jan 29: Attorney General Eric Holder announced that BP Exploration and Production Inc. pleaded guilty on January 29, to 14 criminal counts for its illegal conduct leading to and after the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster, and was sentenced to pay $4 billion in criminal fines and penalties, the largest criminal resolution in U.S. history [See WIMS 11/27/12]. [read post]
8 Dec 2014, 7:01 am by Lyle Denniston
   The Court issued a brief order denying review of BP Exploration & Production, Inc., v. [read post]
30 May 2010, 3:12 pm by Robin Mashal
These records caused BP to be placed on Mother Jones magazine's Ten Worst Corporations of 2000, and Multinational Monitor's Ten Worst Corporations of 2005.BP evolved out of a British oil exploration in Iran. [read post]
6 Mar 2015, 11:18 am by Broussard & David
” In accordance with these guidelines, BP’s attorneys emphasized the current economic hardship faced by BP Exploration & Production Inc. [read post]
12 Sep 2014, 3:00 am
District Court Judge Carl Barbier issued a ruling holding that BP Exploration & Production Inc. is subject to enhanced civil penalties under the Clean Water Act (CWA) because the deadly April 20, 2010 blowout, explosion, fire and massive oil spill at the Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico was due to BP's gross negligence and willful misconduct. [read post]
14 Feb 2011, 9:15 am by Lawrence Solum
Here is the abstract: This Article explores the governance challenges posed by the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill, and proposes strategies for developing more inclusive, responsive institutions to help meet them. [read post]
14 Feb 2012, 12:04 am by Kevin LaCroix
However, he also held, at least with respect to the claims of ADS investors, that other allegations were sufficient and that adequate claims had been asserted against the BP entities, former BP CEO Tony Hayward, and against Douglas Suttles, BP’s Chief Operating Officer for Exploration and Production from January 2009 to January 2011. [read post]
2 Mar 2011, 10:35 am by Maritime Law Staff
This comes as the oil industry is upping the pressure on Washington to reopen the gulf for deep-sea exploration by granting more permits. [read post]
17 Aug 2010, 11:51 am by Brian Wolfman
The party responsible for paying into the trust fund is BP Exploration & Production, Inc., the entity that controls BP's leases in the Gulf, but which appears to have no other assets. [read post]
27 Jul 2010, 1:13 pm by WIMS
This portfolio high grading will leave the company with a smaller but higher quality Exploration & Production business. [read post]
8 Jul 2010, 2:56 pm by Jeffrey Levy
Google Earth Google Earth (third-party site disclaimer) lets you explore a virtual globe. [read post]