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13 Jan 2008, 1:23 pm
Legislatures in the United States and abroad have passed increasingly restrictive and intrusive laws in order to protect the public from convicted sexual offenders. [read post]
6 Apr 2022, 4:08 pm by Bill Marler
One issue with cruise ships is the close contact between people as living quarters are so close, and despite education efforts, there still seems to be a lack of public understanding regarding how the illness is spread. [read post]
12 Oct 2007, 12:51 am by Sean Hayes
REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT COMPANY ACT (Amended as of January 14, 2005)(New Law in effect on Oct, 2007)CHAPTER I GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 1 (Purpose) The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the development of national economy by prescribing the matters concerning the establishment of a real estate investment company, the management methods of assets thereof and the protection of investors therein to provide citizens at large with more opportunities to invest in the real estate as well as to… [read post]
23 Feb 2007, 12:02 am
If, on October 1, 2004, any 25  public school bus stop is located within 1,000 feet of the 26  existing residence of such releasee, the district school board 27  shall relocate that school bus stop. [read post]
23 May 2022, 6:54 am by Dan Lopez
Antitrust Matters provides engaging and timely conversations about competition policy in the digital age. [read post]
2 Apr 2012, 6:15 am by Mandelman
Interesting though… that in 2002… Leon Black became a member of the Board of Trustees for… wait for it… oh yes… Dartmouth College. [read post]
10 May 2023, 4:00 am by Administrator
I believe journalists have an obligation to keep themselves educated and informed. [read post]
11 Sep 2012, 8:52 am by Rebecca Tushnet
  (Expression v. traditional advertising may have something to do with the differences here—NFU is problematic perhaps because it spans both types of uses, whereas Rogers is for expression that isn’t standard advertising.) [read post]
19 Sep 2017, 10:38 am by dawn
A 2013 Senate investigation found that Apple has structured two Irish subsidiaries to be tax residents of neither the United States, where they are managed and controlled, nor Ireland, where they are incorporated. [read post]
29 Dec 2017, 5:26 am by Steve Lubet
I have combined all four installments of my series on Faculty Anti-Semitism into this single post, so they may be accessed from one link. [read post]
But service model innovation is necessary and hard across the board, including for law departments. [read post]
13 Jul 2007, 4:20 pm
Hoy la Corte firmó dos fallos que venía demorando, uno de resolución bastante predecible, otro de pronóstico reservado, que van sin escalas a los anales de la jurisprudencia más destacada del año. [read post]
5 Feb 2007, 7:43 am
February 5, 2007Re: The Preternaturally Prolific Posner on Plagiarism.From: Dean Lawrence R. [read post]