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18 Mar 2012, 9:30 pm
Matthew D. [read post]
19 Mar 2019, 4:03 am
” At SCOTUS OA, Tonja Jacobi and Matthew Sag expand on the results of their study of laughter during Supreme Court oral arguments, concluding that “judicial humor at the Supreme Court is often very much about dominance and hierarchy. [read post]
25 Jun 2018, 4:18 am
At Good Judgment, Ryan Adler assesses the crowd’s forecast in the case. [read post]
15 Nov 2010, 11:44 am
Adler, Holly Doremus, Jamison E. [read post]
14 Aug 2023, 5:36 am
I’d probably offer excerpts from all of the different opinions in that case to offer the students a comprehensive view of where things sit today. [read post]
26 Dec 2021, 9:05 pm
Factoring Equity into Benefit-Cost Analysis April 26, 2021 | Matthew D. [read post]
25 Dec 2012, 9:30 pm
“Beyond Cost-Benefit Analysis: Social Welfare Functions, Fair Distribution, and Policymaking”by Matthew D. [read post]
23 Mar 2012, 12:42 pm
Adler and Victor B. [read post]
2 May 2016, 9:20 pm
You’d find the evidence of inducement in discovery. [read post]
20 Jun 2017, 4:29 am
” More commentary and analysis come from Stephen Wolf in the Daily Kos, Vann Newkirk II in The Atlantic and Dylan Matthews at Vox. [read post]
6 Feb 2015, 6:00 am
Anderson MWildeAnderson Stanford Don Anton DonKAnton Griffith (Australia) Laura Appleman lawandlitprof Willamette Deborah Archer DeborahNArcher New York Law School David Ardia dsardia UNC Kenneth Armstrong ProfKAArmstrong Cambridge Clark D. [read post]
4 Sep 2013, 12:43 am
The US CDC reports that deaths attributed to lack of preventive health care or timely and effective medical care can be considered avoidable. [read post]
12 Aug 2008, 2:00 pm
Brokerage - Residential 3 stuart adler ASG Real Estate/MB Housing Broker 3 Acheson Doyle Partne Acheson Doyle Partners Architecture 3 scott wechsler WeMac Ventures LLC Development - Brokers 3 robb pair harlem lofts Inc RE investor 3 David Atlas Homebuyers Brokerage - Residential 2 Jon-Bentley Wiggins Kamenitzer Real Estate Group Commercial Broker 3 Regina Wierbowski Regina Wierbowski Real Estate Broker 3 Lynn Tesser Pridential Douglas Elliman … [read post]
15 Aug 2018, 2:59 pm
Asay cdasay BYU Christy Hurt ach_ BYU Gordon Smith professor_smith BYU Ari Ezra Waldman ariezrawaldman Cal Western James Coleman energylawprf Calgary Jassmine Girgis JassmineGirgis Calgary Corporate restructuring Corporate law Contracts Lorian Hardcastle Lorian_H Calgary Health law Ian Holloway LawDeanHolloway Calgary Fenner Stewart fennerstewart Calgary … [read post]
23 Jan 2015, 4:44 am
Adler jadler1969 Case Western Nadia Ahmad gatormob Pace Aziza Ahmed AzizaAhmed Northeastern Ifeoma Ajunwa iajunwa Univ District of Columbia Richard Albert richardalbert Boston College Ann Althouse annalthouse Wisconsin Diane Amann DianeMarieAmann Georgia Heidi Anderson HeidiRAnderson Florida Coastal Don Anton DonKAnton Griffith (Australia) Laura Appleman lawandlitprof Willamette Deborah Archer DeborahNArcher New York Law School David Ardia dsardia UNC Clark D. [read post]
17 Sep 2020, 2:40 pm
Below the fold are the results of the 2020-2021 Law Professor Twitter Census. [read post]
13 Sep 2019, 7:25 am
Johnson ProfMEJohnson1 Baltimore Clinical Teaching Robert Knowles ProfKnowles Baltimore Civil Procedure National Security Law Colin Starger ColinStarger Baltimore Nadia Ahmad nadiabahmad Barry Property Environmental Law Corporate Law Loren Mulraine LorenMulraine Belmont Entertainment Law Media Law Intellectual property Jeffrey Usman Prawfish Belmont Máiréad Enright marieadenright Birmingham (UK) Law & Religion… [read post]