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21 Dec 2015, 9:05 pm by Walter Olson
[Radley Balko] South Carolina $124 million penalty against Risperdal maker should be recognized as violating Excessive Fines clause [Ilya Shapiro and Randal John Meyer, Cato] “Supreme Court will review state laws making it a crime to refuse blood-alcohol tests” [ABA Journal, Reason] Helpless against the administrative state: revisiting SCOTUS’s awful 1944 Yakus case [James Conde and Michael Greve, SSRN via Michael Greve, Law and Liberty] New Akron Law Review symposium on… [read post]
15 Jan 2018, 3:20 am by Walter Olson
Kaminski, WLF] Top ten class action related developments of 2017 [Paul Karlsgodt; plus Andrew Trask on the class action issues of ascertainability and Spokeo standing in 2017]. [read post]
24 Jul 2012, 9:06 pm by Walter Olson
Gary Johnson takes a more libertarian view [Daily Caller] New Mark Herrmann book on in-house lawyering [Victoria Pynchon, Scott Greenfield, Paul Karlsgodt] Mortgage eminent-domain seizure plan raises serious constitutional concerns [Andrew Grossman, earlier here, here] Central casting? [read post]
30 Aug 2011, 12:44 pm by Kiera Flynn
Russell Jackson, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP Paul Karlsgodt, Baker Hostetler Charles Silver, University of Texas Law School Andrew J. [read post]
15 Jul 2012, 8:10 am by Walter Olson
Dukes [The Hill, Paul Karlsgodt, PoL, Andrew Trask] Lefties: you ‘tarians slight the greater freedom of being able to force people to employ you [MR: Tyler Cowen, Alex Tabarrok] If you’re caught sleeping on the job, courts may not prove sympathetic to your age bias claim [Eric Meyer, Employer Handbook] Tweet Tags: age discrimination, EEOC, Indiana, labor unions, Wal-Mart v. [read post]
4 Sep 2012, 5:57 am by Walter Olson
Behrend, see the Philadelphia Inquirer’s coverage, Paul Karlsgodt, and Sean Wajert and, on the related case of Gates v. [read post]
23 Jun 2011, 1:47 pm by Paul Karlsgodt
    In Part I of this Program, Paul Karlsgodt of Baker Hostetler will discuss the legal principles involved and case law dealing with the admissibility and use of statistics in the courtroom, especially in class certification proceedings. [read post]
29 Mar 2015, 10:35 am by BakerHostetler
Law360 also has named Kobus and Class Action Defense team leader Paul Karlsgodt as Law360 MVPs for Privacy & Consumer Protection. [read post]
2 Mar 2015, 11:50 am by BakerHostetler
“By identifying and narrowing the type of information protected under the CMIA, the decision will likely have a lasting effect on the healthcare industry in California and in future litigation as other courts wrestle with the issue,” said Paul Karlsgodt, Leader of the Class Action Defense team. [read post]
10 Jan 2013, 2:41 am by Andrew Trask
And that was why I was delighted to read fellow blogger Paul Karlsgodt's post linking to the latest one. [read post]
31 Jan 2013, 2:54 am by Andrew Trask
Baker Hostetler's 2012 Class Action Year End ReviewWhere to find it: Here.What's to like: It's a comprehensive look at class actions in 2012; and one of the authors is Paul Karlsgodt, the guy who brings you the Class Action Blawg. [read post]
2 Sep 2008, 3:42 am
Turk tagged Beck/Hermann, who tagged Paul Karlsgodt. [read post]
1 Sep 2011, 7:01 am by Conor McEvily
  Yesterday Paul Karlsgodt reviewed last Term’s decisions in Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. [read post]
3 Oct 2014, 10:42 am by BakerHostetler
October 24: Denver partner Paul Karlsgodt will speak on “Playing in the Not-So-Friendly Confines — Offensive and Defensive Strategies for Litigating Privacy and Data Breach Class Actions in this Season’s High-Tech e-Commerce Game” at the ABA National Institute on Class Actions in Chicago, Illinois. [read post]
14 Jun 2012, 2:58 am by Andrew Trask
  (Hat tip to Paul Karlsgodt of the reliably great ClassActionBlawg for getting the scoop.) [read post]
14 Jun 2012, 2:58 am by Andrew Trask
(Hat tip to Paul Karlsgodt of the reliably great ClassActionBlawg for getting the scoop.) [read post]
27 Sep 2012, 1:33 am by Kevin LaCroix
The book, entitled World Class Actions: A Guide to Group and Representative Actions Around the Globe (about which refer here), was edited by Paul Karlsgodt, of the Baker & Hostetler law firm. [read post]
8 Jul 2009, 5:10 am
And Herrmann can't resist jumping back into the fray, with this third post on the subject.Two big firm bloggers have now chimed in: Paul Karlsgodt (of the Class Action Blawg and Baker & Hostetler) defends the benefits of big firm blogging, and Francis Pileggi (of the Delaware Corporate and Commercial Litigation Blog and Fox Rothschild) explains the benefits that blogging bestows on him.Zach Lowe, over at AmLawDaily, did the kind of thing that reporters do: He called… [read post]
28 Aug 2013, 5:00 am by Kimberly A. Kralowec
Sears, Paul Karlsgodt predicts that moldy washing machines will save the consumer class action from extinction. [read post]
4 Feb 2015, 3:29 am by BakerHostetler
In a California court decision, and a matter for which Partner Paul Karlsgodt was recognized as a Law360 “Privacy MVP,” BakerHostetler’s successful defense of Eisenhower Medical Center limited the definition of “medical information” and breach notification and reporting processes under California’s Confidentiality of Medical Information Act (CMIA). [read post]