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18 Aug 2009, 4:20 am
Richard Albert has a light-hearted and entertaining profile of Warren Kinsella, Liberal Party strategist extraordinaire, in The Politic today. [read post]
12 Jun 2024, 12:59 pm
” Broccoli’s father, Albert “Cubby” Broccoli, was given the Thalberg award in 1981. [read post]
9 Mar 2012, 3:45 am
In an article published last year, Judge Richard Posner and Professor Albert Yoon surveyed about 200 federal district court judges on various issues, including the judges overall impression of the quality of legal representation, by civil practice area. [read post]
16 Apr 2020, 6:30 am
For the Symposium on Richard Albert, Constitutional Amendments: Making, Breaking, and Changing Constitutions (Oxford University Press, 2019).Eugene D. [read post]
24 Nov 2015, 3:35 am
This just in from Professor Richard Albert: Symposium on Founding Moments in ConstitutionalismYale Law School, April 15-16, 2016 Founding moments are landmark events that break ties with the ancien regime and lay the foundation for the establishment of modern states. [read post]
15 Apr 2013, 12:30 am
The other speakers are Richard White, Stanford University; Bethany Moreton, University of Georgia; Karen Ho, University of Minnesota; and Peter James Hudson Vanderbilt University.Other OAH sessions that may be watched on HNN's website include Eric Foner's "Reconstruction" at Twenty-Five and Albert Camarillo's presidential address, Navigating Segregated Life in America's Racial Borderlands. [read post]
15 May 2015, 5:30 am
Here's the video of a panel at Boston College's Clough Center on Fidelity and Change in Constitutional Interpretation, featuring Katharine Young (Boston College), Lawrence Solum (Georgetown) and myself, moderated by James Fleming (Boston University), and introduced by Richard Albert (Boston College).The discussion ranges widely-- from the debate over originalism in American constitutional interpretation to the interpretation of the South African Constitution to the legacy… [read post]
20 Oct 2020, 8:09 am
Moderator: Michele Anglade (FIU College of Law) Introduction: Leonard Strickman (Founding Dean Emeritus, FIU College of Law) Panelists: Richard Albert (University of Texas) Deborah... [read post]
4 May 2022, 7:30 am
Ashley Moran and Richard Albert, LevinsonFest on Reforming the U.S. [read post]
14 Jan 2020, 3:30 am
Richard Albert, Constitutional Amendments: Making, Breaking, and Changing Constitutions (2019). [read post]
22 Apr 2020, 6:30 am
Richard Albert has given scholars and constitutional designers an invaluable guide to thinking through the wide range of issues connected to the design of amendment rules. [read post]
24 Oct 2010, 7:58 pm
Article. [read post]
10 May 2019, 10:49 am
Nestor Davidson is the Albert A. [read post]
8 Sep 2010, 3:17 pm
A date of Sept. 29 was set for the long-overdue execution of Albert Brown, as noted in this story by Richard De Atley in the Riverside Press-Enterprise.The Superior Court judge in Marin County said that her stay is still in effect, and the California Attorney General went to the Court of Appeal with a writ petition. [read post]
4 Nov 2009, 11:33 am
Judge Albert Diaz of the North Carolina Business Court was nominated today by President Obama to serve on the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. [read post]
20 Nov 2008, 8:45 am
Albert, and Mr. [read post]
28 Feb 2024, 7:26 am
Guggenheim Museum of Art (New York), and the Bibliothèque nationale de France (Paris).[6] His pieces are in the permanent collections at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York), Museum of Fine Arts Collection (Boston), Museum of Modern Art (New York), and the Victoria and Albert Museum (London).[7] Prince has been sued multiple times for copyright infringement.[8] Why Was He Sued (again)? [read post]
8 Nov 2010, 10:29 am
Posner, Richard A. and Yoon, Albert, What Judges Think of the Quality of Legal Representation (August 30, 2010). [read post]
15 May 2023, 7:30 am
But first, I have to share my deep appreciation to Richard Albert for the opportunity to be involved in LevinsonFest and to the many people who came together to bring it to life. [read post]
25 Mar 2016, 9:30 am
Self-nominations are welcomed.Questions about the Prize should be addressed to Professor Richard Albert (, Chair of the Section on Law & Religion.Prize CommitteeZak Calo (Hamad Bin Khalifa / Valparaiso)Rick Garnett (Notre Dame)Michael Helfand (Pepperdine)Lisa Roy Shaw (Mississippi)Contact Info: Nominations: Professor Michael Helfand, Pepperdine ( about the prize: Professor Richard… [read post]