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19 Mar 2022, 2:09 pm by admin
The FDA acknowledges, for instance, that the acceptable intake is set to mark “a small theoretical increase in risk,” and a “highly hypothetical concept that should not be regarded as a realistic indication of the actual risk,” and thus not an actual risk.[9] The corresponding hypothetical or theoretical risk to the acceptable intake level is clearly small when compared with the human’s lifetime probability of developing cancer (which the FDA states is… [read post]
22 Jul 2016, 6:10 am
Cunningham, George Washington University, on Thursday, July 21, 2016 Tags: Berkshire Hathaway, Capital allocation, Corporate culture, Decision making, Management, Managerial style, Public perception, Reputation, Succession, Warren Buffet Pay-for-Performance Update for the S&P 1500: 2015 Pay Outcomes Posted by Shui Yu, Willis Towers Watson, on Thursday, July 21, 2016 Tags: Bonuses, Compensation committees, Compensation disclosure, Executive Compensation, Firm performance,Incentives,… [read post]
13 Dec 2006, 7:17 pm
Verio went from small to large to public to private in four years. [read post]
6 May 2019, 12:26 am by Peter Mahler
Vice Chancellor Glasscock’s recent valuation opinion in Smith v Promontory Financial Group, LLC, Mem. [read post]
3 Mar 2025, 6:42 pm by centerforartlaw
In fact, for small or mid-size galleries, which make up most of the NY scene, this can be a rather unpredictable and volatile one:[16] according to a New York Times reporting, “[i]n a slow month, a dealer might be uncomfortably in the red; in a busy month, they might accrue enough revenue to cushion them for the rest of the quarter. [read post]
5 Jun 2022, 5:48 pm by Yvonne Nath
., Post 206 (David Cunningham noting that ALSP/NewLaw business model “can, in theory, [be] adopt[ed]” by “any legal service provider”); Post 253 (Anusia Gillespie defining and summarizing the NewLaw approach). [read post]