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26 Feb 2009, 11:58 pm
For many people, that means cutting out the middleman and saving on agent commissions. [read post]
17 May 2023, 5:33 am by Webmaster
Unfortunately, it also means getting approved for disability benefits is more difficult for stay at home parents. [read post]
7 Dec 2016, 8:40 am by Kathy Darvil
Just because you don’t see a librarian sitting at the reference desk, does not mean we are not there to help. [read post]
23 Feb 2022, 6:45 am by Jason Smith
  This legislation takes on greater meaning to us as, over the past nearly two years, our office is contacted by constituents who are waiting on these benefits to be processed by an overwhelmed state Department of Labor. [read post]
4 Apr 2012, 8:59 am by djackson
If you’re a blogger, we’d like for you to join us in writing a blog post (or more, if you’re so inspired!) [read post]
14 Nov 2011, 5:30 am by Jeffrey Taylor
This coincides with your partnership agreement, and means that you must prepare to leave or dissolve the partnership. [read post]
14 May 2014, 10:13 am by Larry
If the test case comes out wrong, the thinking goes, we can re-litigate in one of the suspended cases. [read post]
26 Nov 2017, 9:03 am by Jeff Gamso
  Fuck it, here's Raymond Chandler.But down these mean streets a man must go who is not himself mean, who is neither tarnished nor afraid. [read post]
23 Feb 2014, 10:28 pm by Daniel Richardson
  As the SCOV has noted in prior decisions, that means dismissal is a tool of last resort, not first. [read post]
13 Jan 2022, 2:35 pm
It also means they have an impressive track record of success, and they’re not afraid to take a claim all the way to court. [read post]
13 Aug 2020, 5:35 am by Elizabeth Kruska
For purposes of keeping the government updated on where you live, a sex offender has to do it whenever they’re not in jail, even when they’re on furlough. [read post]
5 Mar 2013, 5:01 pm by oliver randl
A.The applicant filed a request for re-establishment on November 29, 2011.The EPO informed the applicant that this request was late-filed because the cause of non-compliance within the meaning of R 136(1) had been removed on September 20.The applicant argued that the paralegals of the private practice had asked Dr. [read post]
29 Aug 2019, 6:11 pm by Andrew Delaney
I read that to mean the trial court has to analyze Mr. [read post]
20 Jul 2023, 9:43 am
Jimmy says: "Dude, come on, turkeys don't actually fly, and in any event, I don't think they're really 'bird" within the meaning of the statute anyway. [read post]