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4 May 2020, 4:00 am by Comunicaciones_MJ
Para obtener más información relacionada con las disposiciones de la DA 20-12, puede enviar un mensaje a través de su cuenta en SURI. [read post]
4 May 2020, 3:17 am by Marcia Coyle
The live audio feed is being provided to Fox News, the Associated Press, and C-Span (which will broadcast them on television, online at and on the C-Span Radio app.). [read post]
3 May 2020, 4:16 pm by INFORRM
On 1 May 2020 Warby J remotely handed down the judgement in Duchess of Sussex v Associated Newspapers [2020] EWHC 1058 (Ch), striking out three parts of the particulars of claim alleging that the publisher had acted “dishonestly” by leaving out certain passages of the letter, that the publisher deliberately “stirred up” issues between Meghan and her father, and that it had an “agenda” of publishing intrusive or offensive stories about her. [read post]
3 May 2020, 11:00 am by Comunicaciones_MJ
Visita nuestro Observatorio COVID-19 en Puerto Rico El director de la Oficina de Inspección de Notarías (ODIN), Manuel Ávila de Jesús, explicó a cómo están transicionando hacia la notaría electrónica, cuáles son los retos que enfrentan los notarios y las preguntas más frecuentes que recibe la oficina a partir de la pandemia por COVID-19. [read post]
3 May 2020, 7:00 am by Comunicaciones_MJ
Los por mayores de cómo la legislatura puede llegar a dicho acuerdo están establecidos en la Ley Núm. 395 del 11 de mayo de 1950. [read post]
3 May 2020, 4:00 am by Administrator
Intitulé : Konstas c. [read post]
2 May 2020, 1:07 pm by Josh Blackman
[Further thoughts on the Tucker Act and Federal Question Jurisdiction] Last week I posed a question: "can a plaintiff seek compensation for an unconstitutional taking, without relying on the Tucker Act's jurisdiction–if not under the Takings Clause, perhaps under some theory of tort. [read post]
2 May 2020, 5:02 am by Eugene Volokh
" And his only evidence that it was false was his testimony that: "I have reviewed the March [o]rder of the [c]ourt in the case of Sardi v. [read post]
30 Apr 2020, 9:49 pm by Stacie Rosenzweig
(And, also, I’ve never seen a case where 8.4(c) or any other Rule actually required a lawyer to divulge specifics of their health condition.) [read post]
30 Apr 2020, 11:56 am by Comunicaciones_MJ
“Hace 12 años que no se ajustaban los beneficios de estas familias, quienes representan las más necesitadas de los programas que administramos y cuyos niveles de ingresos son los más bajos. [read post]
30 Apr 2020, 7:34 am by Matthias Weller
According to Gerd Müller, the minister of development, legislation will follow if a second survey in 2020 does not show any improvement. [read post]
30 Apr 2020, 7:20 am by Redacción
Es paradójico que quien más se benefició de esta regla, ahora pretenda devolver los tiempos oficiales a los concesionarios privados —tal cual hicieron, en su momento, los presidentes Díaz Ordaz y Vicente Fox—. [read post]
30 Apr 2020, 5:01 am by Eugene Volokh
I thought our readers would find the issue interesting (I had blogged about the case several months ago), so I'm passing it along here—we are asking the Tennessee Supreme Court to review the case. [read post]