Search for: "Beth George" Results 61 - 80 of 259
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7 Oct 2010, 5:46 pm by pittlegalscholarship
Santa Clara Social Justice Beth Van Schaack (Santa Clara Law) presents “A Feminist Review of the Crime of Aggression. [read post]
3 Sep 2010, 11:20 am
Witkin Medal — which recognizes “those legal giants among us who have altered the landscape of California jurisprudence” — to Beth Jay (left), principal attorney to Chief Justice Ronald George. [read post]
18 Sep 2009, 4:43 pm
Mundaca replaces my former co-clerk Beth Garrett of USC as the Obama nominee for the job; Beth withdrew her name at some point as the confirmation process dragged on and on. [read post]
1 Apr 2012, 12:40 pm
Delighted to congratulate IntLawGrrls contributors Stephanie Farrior (far right), Professor of Law at the Vermont Law School, and Beth A. [read post]
11 Jul 2017, 11:49 am
He is married to Beth Hollenhorst and is the father of two adult sons and has four grandchildren. [read post]
1 Jan 2018, 4:00 am by Howard Friedman
Arab Constitutionalism and Human Dignity, 50 George Washington International Law Review 1-67 (2017).Jason A. [read post]
24 Jun 2024, 4:00 am by Howard Friedman
Duncan, Why School Choice Is Necessary for Religious Liberty and Freedom of Belief, 73 Case Western Reserve Law Review 1055-1082 (2023).Laura Beth Nielsen, Elsinore Kuo & Evan Zhao, Misgendering, Academic Freedom, the First Amendment, and Trans Students, 73 Case Western Reserve Law Review 1177-1208 (2023).Roberta Rosenthal Kwall, The Role of Ghetto Art in Holocaust Education and Fighting Antisemitism, 73 DePaul Law Review 39-56 (2023).Joseph Kersteins, A Historical, Philosophical,… [read post]
17 May 2022, 2:27 pm by Eugene Volokh
John, and School Superintendent Joshua Smith posted the following Joint Statement on the Town of Southbury Facebook page in response to the killing of George Floyd: [Details omitted. [read post]
9 Aug 2018, 4:34 am by Edith Roberts
Senate Democrats yesterday opened a new front in their effort to obtain records from Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s tenure as staff secretary to President George W. [read post]
15 Dec 2013, 10:22 am by Jon
How the Bill of Rights came to beThe original Constitution proposed by the Philadelphia Convention on September 17, 1787, did not contain a bill of rights. [read post]
7 Jan 2010, 9:31 am by NYU Law Review
Curran An Administrative Law Approach to Reforming the State Secrets Privilege Beth George Paying-to-Play in Securities Class Actions: A Look at Lawyers' Campaign Contributions Drew T. [read post]
8 Dec 2016, 6:02 am by Jim Sedor
Louis Post-Dispatch Ethics “Trump Adviser’s Son Removed from Transition after Spreading Conspiracy Theory” by Greg Miller for The Washington Post “Trump’s Top Conflict Critics Take Over Watchdog Group” by Darren Samuelsohn for Politico California: “Ex-LAPD Sergeant Broke City Rules by Leaking Recording of ‘Django Unchained’ Actress, Ethics Group Says” by Kate Mather for Los Angeles Times Missouri: “Nine Face Corruption Charges,… [read post]
6 Jan 2010, 2:30 am by CAPTAIN
There are 2 Incumbents that have yet to file.Contested Races:Group 11Flora Seff (I)Michaelle Gonzalez-PaulsonGroup 31 Lisa Walsh (I)Silvia PerezIncumbents that have yet to file:Group 5 – Fred SeraphinGroup 35 – Wendell GrahamIncumbents (without opposition) that have filed:Edward Newman, Judith Rubenstein, Beth Bloom, Carroll Kelly, Amy Karan, Rodney SmithA reminder that the Governor has six names on his desk to replace former County Court Judge Arzola. [read post]