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28 Mar 2008, 10:43 am
- Washington, D.C. lawyer David Oxenford of Davis Wright Tremaine in the firm's Broadcast Law Blog [read post]
4 Dec 2009, 4:24 am by David Oxenford
  To help broadcasters prepare for the primary and the rest of the election season, David Oxenford and Bobby Baker, the head of the FCC's Office of Political Programming, conducted a webinar for the Texas Association of Broadcasters on December 2, 2009, originating from the TAB offices in Austin. [read post]
23 Jan 2008, 11:52 am
FCC rules against Kucinich request for inclusion in CNN presidential debate - Washington, D.C. attorney David Oxenford of Davis Wright Tremaine in the firm's Broadcast Law Blog Constitutional rights and digital dilemmas - The blogging lawyers & attorneys at Sheppard Mullin in the firm's Intellectual Property Law Blog CNN reports on overtime liability - Los Angeles lawyer Anthony Zaller at Van Vleck Turner & Zaller in the firm's… [read post]
2 May 2008, 5:40 pm
Halverson seeks to avoid standing for election - Las Vegas attorney Tami Cowden of Kummer Kaempfer at her blog, Appealing in Nevada A conversation with Michael Dell - PKF Texas director Greg Price at his blog, From Greg's Head FCC declares 700 club and TMZ are exempt from equal time - with some issues left unaddressed - Washington, D.C. attorney David Oxenford of Davis Wright Tremaine in the firm's Broadcast Law Blog Caps on damages found to be unconstitutional -… [read post]
8 Jul 2010, 8:26 pm by David Oxenford
As I was preparing for a session updating and refreshing broadcasters about their obligations under the FCC’s EEO rules at the Iowa Broadcasters Association annual convention in Des Moines on June 30, I learned of what seemed to be a startling development – the Minority Media and Telecommunications Council, one of the most effective advocates in Washington for minority hiring and ownership, had urged the FCC to suspend its enforcement of the EEO rules. [read post]
1 Dec 2010, 12:19 pm by David Oxenford
I conducted a webinar on the FCC's EEO rules for the Texas Association of Broadcasters on November 30, 2010. [read post]
15 Nov 2008, 1:16 am
- Phoenix attorney Wendy Akbar of Quarles & Brady on the firm's E-Discovery Bytes FCC Approves White Spaces Devices in TV Band - While Some Hail a Boon to Wireless Internet, Others Say Not So Fast - Washington, D.C. lawyer David Oxenford of Davis Wright Tremaine in the firm's Broadcast Law Blog On Blogging - Ohio attorney Kevin LaCroix of OakBridge Insurance Services in his blog, The D & O Diary Ten Ways to Promote Cooperative Negotiations -… [read post]
6 Jan 2011, 5:38 pm by Colin O'Keefe
Healthy" - Hartford lawyer Daniel Schwartz of Pullman & Comley in his Connecticut Employment Law Blog Ankle Fracture Pain and Suffering Verdict for $400,000 Sent Back for Retrial on Liability Apportionment Only - New York attorney John Hochfelder on his New York Injury Cases Blog Gazing Into the Crystal Ball - What Washington Has In Store For Broadcasters in 2011 - Washington, D.C. lawyer David Oxenford of Davis Wright Tremaine in the firm's… [read post]
5 Jan 2011, 2:33 pm by Andrew Raff
David Oxenford, Broadcast Law Blog: Court of Appeals Throws Out FCC Fines in NYPD Blue Case "We have likely not heard the end of the indecency story yet. [read post]
16 Jan 2009, 5:24 pm
- Washington, D.C. lawyer David Oxenford of Davis Wright Tremaine in the firm's Broadcast Law Blog Three Ways You Can Help Advance Whistleblower Rights - Marshall Chriswell of the National Whistleblower Legal Defense & Education Fund in their Whistleblower Protection Blog [read post]
20 Jun 2008, 10:55 pm
The political broadcasting implications of an Olympic ad buy - Washington, D.C. attorney David Oxenford of Davis Wright Tremaine in the firm's Broadcast Law Blog Real estate agents playing nice: a sign of the times - New York real estate broker Douglas Heddings at his blog, True Gotham Feds touting ways to adapt to climate change - San Francisco journalist Dennis Pfaff, writing in Thelen's Climate Law Update The other ADR: insurance and indemnity agreements -… [read post]
28 Oct 2010, 5:19 pm by Colin O'Keefe
SEC Continues Crackdown on Overvaluations of Hedge Fund Assets - San Francisco attorney Clint Keller of Pillsbury on the firm's Investment Fund Law Blog Start-ups and the Employment Law Gauntlet - Boston lawyer Prithvi Tanwar of Foley Hoag on the firm's Emerging Enterprise Center Blog FCC Freezes Applications for New LPTV and TV Translator Stations While Contemplating How the Broadband Plan Will Affect the TV Spectrum - Washington, D.C. attorney David… [read post]
20 Jun 2011, 9:39 am by Brendan Holland
  In addition, David Oxenford recently participated in a Town Hall Webinar on EAS and CAP issues, that was held on Thursday, June 16, 2011, sponsored by the National Alliance of State Broadcast Associations and the NAB. [read post]
30 May 2008, 5:41 pm
- Los Angeles attorney Anthony Zaller of Van Vleck Turner & Zaller in the firm's California Workforce Resource Blog RAB adopts guidelines for "posting" - remember to consider the political broadcasting implications - Washington, D.C. lawyer David Oxenford of Davis Wright Tremaine in the firm's Broadcast Law Blog [read post]
25 May 2010, 4:24 pm by Colin O'Keefe
- Washington, D.C. attorney David Oxenford of Davis Wright Tremaine in the firm's Broadcast Law Blog [read post]
27 Jan 2009, 4:59 pm
- Philadelphia lawyer Maxwell Kennerly of The Beasley Firm at his blog, Litigation & Trial California 1, U.S. 0 - Elizabeth Corona of McKenna Long & Aldridge on the firm's blog, Climate Change Insights Washington Post "Outs" My Job Search - Seattle lawyer Bill Marler of Marler Clark on his Marler Blog President Obama Calls for FOIA Improvements and Open Government - Raleigh lawyer Elizabeth Spainhour of Brooks… [read post]
8 Jun 2010, 4:37 pm by Colin O'Keefe
- Houston lawyer Kendall Gray of Andrews Kurth on his blog, The Appellate Record Copyright Office Issues Letter In Support of Broadcast Performance Royalty - Suggests that Economic Comeback for Radio Makes Royalty More Affordable - Washington, D.C. attorney David Oxenford of Davis Wright Tremaine in the firm's Broadcast Law Blog Inadequate Nutrition & The Development Of Bed Sores In Nursing Home Patients - Chicago lawyer Jonathan Rosenfeld of Strellis… [read post]
11 May 2010, 5:02 pm by Colin O'Keefe
Court Allows Counterclaim To Set Off Fees Paid To Independent Contractors Alleging Misclassification - Long Island attorney Noel Tripp of Jackson Lewis on the firm's blog, the Wage & Hour Law Update Beware of City of License Change Proposal That May Not Be Implemented - Washington, D.C. lawyer David Oxenford of Davis Wright Tremaine in the firm's Broadcast Law Blog In-House Counsel's Negligence is not Imputed to Company - Orange County… [read post]
24 Jun 2008, 12:47 am
Eory of Stark & Stark in the firm's New Jersey Law Blog George Carlin - writing the indencey rules the FCC never did - Washington, D.C. lawyer David Oxenford of Davis Wright Tremaine in the firm's Broadcast Law Blog [read post]