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27 Sep 2019, 3:00 am by Jim Sedor
The FEC approved the settlement before the departure of Commissioner Matthew Petersen, which left the agency without a four-member quorum to approve enforcement actions. [read post]
7 Feb 2010, 6:37 pm by admin
– Bo Petersen, The Post and Courier, February 3, 2010 After two decades of losing battles against the development of freshwater wetlands along the coast, conservationists won a war this week. [read post]
7 Feb 2010, 2:25 pm by admin
– Bo Petersen, The Post and Courier, February 3, 2010 After two decades of losing battles against the development of freshwater wetlands along the coast, conservationists won a war this week. [read post]
18 Oct 2007, 4:21 pm
On Thursday evening, the Rockefeller-led Senate Intelligence Committee is marking up a bill to re-amend the nation's spy laws. [read post]