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18 Jul 2007, 1:19 am
In 2003, Paul Rosenzweig wrote:Congress has exercised precious little self-restraint in expanding the reach of federal criminal laws to new regulatory areas. [read post]
22 Nov 2021, 5:13 pm
The unanimous view of our panelists, Paul Rosenzweig and Dmitri Alperovitch, is that cyber policy has shifted from mandatory reporting of personal data breaches to mandatory reporting of serious cyber intrusions no matter what data is compromised. [read post]
10 Feb 2012, 9:37 pm
UPDATE: Ken Anderson and Paul Rosenzweig have further thoughts on Koh’s speech here and here. [read post]
24 Oct 2007, 5:27 pm
Homeland Security Assistant Secretary of Policy, Paul Rosenzweig: "We have made great strides," he said. [read post]
8 Nov 2021, 5:06 pm
In quick hits: For old time's sake, Nate and I clash over lefty efforts to define a lack of enthusiasm for climate-based regulation as "digital hate;" Jamil and I offer qualified endorsements of the State Department's new cyber bureau; I namecheck podcast regular Paul Rosenzweig and others for a thoughtful report on Chinese platforms in the United States; and I see some good news for cybersecurity in the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency's… [read post]
14 Sep 2010, 5:33 am
Paul Rosenzweig responds that there are several programs internal to federal agencies designed to protect privacy, including DHS’s “statutorily required Privacy Officer” and “Officer for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties. [read post]
5 Mar 2012, 8:08 am
The panel will follow a presentation by Rogers on his bill, and will include Paul Rosenzweig, and Gus P. [read post]
5 Jul 2022, 12:50 pm
Litt, and Paul Rosenzweig, eds., The ABA Cybersecurity Handbook: A Resource for Attorneys, Law Firms, and Business Professionals (2022). [read post]
10 May 2010, 6:11 am
The list is organized alphabetically by host school and has been updated since the last list appeared on April 19.Albany: Megan Fairlie (Florida International) (2010-11)Brooklyn: Donna Coker (Miami) (Fall 2010)Case Western Reserve: Tawia Ansah (New England School of Law) (Fall 2010)Charleston: Angela Laughlin (Texas Tech) (2010-11)Columbia: Akhil Amar (Yale) (Fall 2010); Jody Kraus (Virginia) (2010-11); Daniel Rodriguez (Texas) (Spring 2011); Olivier de Schutter… [read post]
24 Jun 2010, 8:02 am
New additions have two red stars next to the name.Albany: Megan Fairlie (Florida International) (2010-11)Brooklyn: Donna Coker (Miami) (Fall 2010)Case Western Reserve: Tawia Ansah (New England School of Law) (Fall 2010)Charleston: Angela Laughlin (Texas Tech) (2010-11)Columbia: Akhil Amar (Yale) (Fall 2010); Jody Kraus (Virginia) (2010-11); Daniel Rodriguez (Texas) (Spring 2011); Olivier de Schutter (Université de Louvain Collège) (Fall… [read post]
9 May 2007, 1:28 am
"Obviously, this is a very unusual set of circumstances," attorney Paul Royal wrote of his four-legged client. [read post]
13 Jul 2018, 4:24 am
” For The Atlantic, Paul Rosenzweig recounts his experience arguing a pro bono case before Kavanaugh in the court of appeals, noting that “[a]t least in this one instance, he was generous and open to the appeal of the little guy. [read post]
21 Oct 2010, 5:00 am
(Yale University); Jody Kraus (Virginia) (2010-11); Daniel Rodriguez (Texas) (Spring 2011); Olivier de Schutter (Université de Louvain Collège) (Fall 2010); Paul Stephan (Virginia) (Fall 2010); Horatia Muir Watt (Université Paris) (Spring 2011); J. [read post]
2 Sep 2012, 5:54 pm
So far, we have six committed participants: (1) Alice Beauheim, (2) yours truly, (3) Paul Rosenzweig and his robot engineer grandchildren, (4) John Procter, (5) Bill Love, and (6) Colin Glover. [read post]
8 Jan 2021, 9:05 pm
Earlier this year, the Supreme Court affirmed these regulations in Little Sisters of the Poor Saints Peter and Paul Home v. [read post]
1 Feb 2012, 7:49 am
Yesterday, Paul Rosenzweig and I discussed some of the key proposals and topics that are under consideration as the Senate prepares to pick up cybersecurity legislation. [read post]
30 Sep 2006, 9:17 pm
See this post and the testimony of the conservative leaning Heritage Foundation's Paul Rosenzweig, calling the Topless guidelines (or Bowman fix) "probably not a long term solution" to the sentencing issues presented by the Booker decision.If Sensenbrenner really wants to protect children from exploitation, let him start on… [read post]
1 Jan 2025, 9:01 pm
”And former federal prosecutor Paul Rosenzweig got it right when he characterized the Gaetz nomination as “a collective middle finger from Trump to America…. [read post]
7 Nov 2024, 4:33 am
Paul McLeary and Jack Detsch report for POLITICO. [read post]
26 Apr 2024, 4:53 am
Paul Mcleary and Lara Seligman report for POLITICO. [read post]