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8 Aug 2013, 9:36 am
Some people did say “graffiti saved me; I grew up on an estate and this gave my life meaning. [read post]
16 Jan 2023, 6:55 pm
., Appellee. 2nd District.Contracts -- Corporations -- Buyout clause -- Enforcement -- Standing -- Equal protection -- Appeals -- No error in requiring defendant shareholder to sell all her stock in corporation to other remaining shareholder pursuant to buyout clause of shareholder agreement after defendant's husband, who was also a shareholder, passed away -- No error in determining that plaintiff had standing to sue for specific performance as corporation's authorized agent -- Although… [read post]
18 May 2023, 10:41 am
That they are proposing those cuts as the price of allowing the President simply to be able to execute already-passed laws is apparently of no moment. [read post]
29 Nov 2013, 5:14 am
According to the opinion, the prosecution arose because Miller and his pastor William Wellons wanted to buy a parcel of real estate from a farmer as an investment property. [read post]
17 May 2023, 9:46 am
For example, some lower-priced technologies collect more data than other technologies, such as inexpensive smartphones that come with preinstalled apps that leak data and can’t be deleted. [read post]
A Con Law Exam Featuring A Barter Ban, Discrimination Against an AroAce Couple, and Campaign Finance
17 Jan 2024, 4:00 am
Fung created a trust fund administered by his attorney to pay real estate taxes and any other ongoing costs associated with his property ownership. [read post]
6 Aug 2023, 10:00 pm
Whether one considers Fanny Price to be, as Mrs Norris put it, ‘the daemon of the piece’, or a ‘creepmouse’, as her cousin Tom did, Neil Wilkof’s efforts to tie Ms Austen to IP through a discussion of circulating libraries and authorial reputation is a literary feast of its own.What about the rest of the contributions? [read post]
13 Dec 2016, 2:03 pm
” Nor does the record label or Whitney Houston’s estate have any ownership in the song copyright. [read post]
14 Jan 2019, 1:53 pm
” This however goes against the creators’ interest and is a burdensome procedural flaw in the US copyright system.This issue is finally being taken up the US Supreme Court, upon a certificate issue in the matter of Fourth Estate Public Benefit v. [read post]
16 Feb 2020, 8:07 pm
He owned no other real estate and expected to live off a small pension and other investments to the tune of about $5K CAD a month. [read post]
27 Oct 2014, 5:27 am is not the first entity to enjoy a leading position in book distribution and pricing in the publishing sector. [read post]
22 Apr 2015, 6:55 am
DIXIE SOUTHLAND CORPORATION, a Florida corporation, Appellee. 4th District.Contracts -- Profit participation agreements -- Dispute arising out of agreements whereby parties purchased commercial shopping center properties and subsequently entered into preliminary profit participation agreements to establish rights and responsibilities for the completion of the purchase, and post-closing profit participation agreements which provided that each participant would receive portion of net cash flow and net… [read post]
24 Jul 2020, 12:10 am
Thompson invested hundreds of millions of dollars in affordable housing and commercial real estate in New York City. [read post]
31 Jan 2010, 5:56 pm
Over Canadian Thanksgiving, while I was sitting before the computer in a state of turkey-induced lethargy, I was suddenly roused from my stupor by the discovery that the domain name “” could be registered for the low, low price of just $10 a year. [read post]
27 Jan 2011, 6:39 am
Currently, studio, one- and two-bedroom condos in the 670-unit full-block development, which was built in the 1980s, are listed at a median price of $1,315 a square foot, according to [read post]
31 Mar 2022, 2:22 pm
***Updated in March 2021 to reflect the massive interest in cryptocurrencies*** Millions of people have purchased Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. [read post]
6 Sep 2010, 10:40 am
The effective collapse of real estate prices, the payment of interest on debts incurred in happier times to build jails and courthouses, and the deflation of asset values mean that county money is going to get harder to come by. [read post]
25 May 2007, 8:07 am
Two-thirds of public school students qualify for free or reduced-price lunches, meaning their families are near the poverty line or below it. [read post]
14 Aug 2017, 6:06 am
When White died in 2003, the expert who appraised his estate found an old metal box painted with gold block letters reading “Hon. [read post]
30 Apr 2010, 5:01 am
Others have suggested increasing gasoline taxes, motor vehicle registration fees, or real estate transfer taxes, and putting tolls on I-95, outsourcing highway maintenance, permitting local governments to impose transportation taxes, and paying for state police from sources other than the Motor License Fund. [read post]