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28 Jun 2009, 9:52 pm
To counteract the immunity from liability afforded publishers, the president of the Media Bloggers Association, Robert Cox, has collaborated with Media Professional Insurance to establish a new insurance plan for bloggers to protect themselves in the event of a lawsuit.But it is not only the world of libel, nor just the liability of independent bloggers that is at issue. [read post]
30 Sep 2011, 3:28 pm by Charon QC
  The BBC reports: “Christine Hemming, wife of Yardley MP John Hemming, was filmed by CCTV cameras stealing a kitten from the Birmingham home of her husband’s mistress Emily Cox. [read post]
7 May 2024, 7:12 am by Scott Bomboy
In 1941, Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes wrote for a unanimous Court in Cox v. [read post]
12 Jan 2024, 10:44 am by Robert E. Braun
” Utah Utah Governor Spencer Cox signed the Utah Consumer Privacy Act (UCPA) in March 2022. [read post]
12 Jan 2012, 8:12 pm by Zachary Spilman
Senior Judge Cox opined that this is “a much cleaner test. [read post]
23 Jul 2010, 10:42 am by Steve Hall
Rick Perry abruptly named Bradley, district attorney of Williamson County, to replace the commission's founding chairman, Austin defense attorney Sam Bassett.The matter was of some sensitivity to the governor. [read post]
24 Jul 2012, 3:38 am by Russ Bensing
  The panel bought it, but sua sponte convened an en banc panel, thereby permitting the entire court to rule on the matter and allowing me to fill my quota of foreign phrases. [read post]
28 Nov 2007, 3:16 am
Tom has been serving in Chairman Cox's office and as Counselor to the General Counsel, focusing on Corp Fin issues. [read post]
13 May 2019, 4:12 am by Andrew Lavoott Bluestone
As to the first ground, the transcripts of the deposition testimony submitted in support of the cross motion contain conflicting versions of the events that occurred prior to the closing of title on the Sadiku premises, raising triable issues of fact, and, thus, Pacht failed to demonstrate a prima facie entitlement to judgment as a matter of law (see Stafford v Allied Bldg. [read post]
17 Jun 2011, 9:51 am
Some mentions of specific issues related to certain products.Randomly selected tip of the day• from Jan Cox: "We have replaced our web page alphabetic journal title list with EBSCO’s A-to-Z product and added the A-to-Z link to our ILS bib record. [read post]
15 Feb 2011, 8:26 pm
" In response, she said that Henry began driving after her son, Brandon Cox, told Henry that he thought police wanted him to move his car. [read post]
2 Jul 2007, 3:37 pm
The logical inference--branding does matter to perceptions of relevancy. [read post]
22 Aug 2011, 12:39 pm by McNabb Associates, P.C.
Douglas McNabb and other members of the U.S. law firm practice and write extensively on matters involving Federal Criminal Defense, INTERPOL Red Notice Removal, International Extradition and OFAC SDN List Removal. [read post]
14 Aug 2011, 7:47 pm by Lara
      Recent graduates of three different law schools, Thomas Jefferson School of Law, Thomas Cooley School of Law and New York School of Law, have filed lawsuits (2 of which are class actions) against their Alma matters claiming that the schools fraudulently inflated post-graduation employment and salary statistics to lure students to attend their institutions. [read post]
16 Jan 2008, 3:21 pm
While praising the current Republican chairman, Christopher Cox, Mr. [read post]
3 Aug 2018, 4:39 pm by INFORRM
Put this in the context of the sharp rise in the number of people being referred to Prevent for holding extreme right-wing views and the fact that levels of hate crime last year reached record highs and the seriousness of the matter is unquestionable. [read post]
15 Oct 2020, 4:03 am by SHG
Did that, as Heather Cox Richardson concluded, make her “extremism” clear? [read post]
Professor Scott refers to the Congressional testimony of Chairman Cox, just days before Bear Stearns’ collapse, that Bear had “high quality collateral” and to the distinction Chairman Cox later drew – apparently to deflect criticism of his testimony – between Bear’s adequate capital and its inadequate liquidity. [read post]