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21 Jan 2021, 11:30 am by D Daniel Sokol
Concentration of the Mobile Telecommunications Markets and Countries' Competitiveness By: David Bardey; Danilo Aristizábal; Bibiana Sáenz; Santiago Gómez Abstract: Developing a database that includes 59 countries, our study sheds light on the role of mobile telecommunications markets' concentration on countries'... [read post]
21 Jan 2021, 5:36 am by Ralf Michaels
Conflicts of jurisdiction and the applicable law in domestic courts’ proceedings (Kieninger) PART 3 STATE LIABILITY UNDER INTERNATIONAL AND EUROPEAN LAW G. [read post]
21 Jan 2021, 4:43 am by Comunicaciones_MJ
Se dice que la ideología de género es para atajar la violencia de género, pero no ha resuelto nada en los países donde se ha experimentado”, indicó Burgos Burgos Muñiz, e insistió que lo que hay que hacer es reforzar la enseñanza de valores en el hogar. [read post]
20 Jan 2021, 9:02 pm by News Desk
Presented to Member(s) who have contributed to IAFP and its Affiliates with distinction over an extended period of time.2020 Recipients: Robert Buchanan, Mickey Parish President’s Lifetime Achievement AwardGiven at the discretion of the IAFP President to recognize an individual who has made a lasting impact on “Advancing Food Safety Worldwide” through a lifetime of professional achievement in food protection.2020 Recipient: Dallas G. [read post]
20 Jan 2021, 1:54 pm
, in Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye: The solid core who has held together California's judicial branch, which begins: "Tani G. [read post]
20 Jan 2021, 10:43 am by Tim Hewson
De plus, il s’agit sans doute du type de testament le plus coûteux : on parle généralement d’autour de 400 à 600 $. [read post]
20 Jan 2021, 9:44 am by Zalkind Duncan & Bernstein LLP
Professor DeWeese-Boyd sued Gordon College alleging that it failed to promote her to full professor status based on her religious beliefs regarding same-sex marriage, in violation of G. [read post]
20 Jan 2021, 8:59 am
A) The President tried to buy Greenland using Puerto Rico as payment;B) The President canceled a trip to Denmark when it refused to sell Greenland to the US;C) The President suggested ingesting bleach to combat Covid19;D) The President led a Boy Scout Jamboree in a chant of "Lock her up" aimed at Hillary Clinton;E) The President used a sharpie to alter a map after incorrectly stating that a hurricane was about to hit Alabama;F) The President wondered why nuclear weapons could not be used… [read post]
20 Jan 2021, 7:10 am by José Guillermo
aunque NO tengan la menor idea ni se interroguen en el "como se alcanzarán esos logros", lo más importante ¿como convencerán a los padres /la mayoría) que la educación de género QUE NO SIGNIFICA IGUALDAD DE DERECHOS ENTRE HOMBRES Y MUJERES, sino la aceptación de que una minoría no contenta con lo que la naturaleza dispuso, es una opción que NO debe ser descartada por el resto (la mayoría)?. [read post]