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4 May 2022, 7:29 am by jonathanturley
Dick Durbin (D., IL.) pressed him on whether Roe is “settled law,” Alito responded again by stating the obvious: Roe v. [read post]
3 Apr 2015, 7:48 am by John Elwood
Citing its recent opinions in United States v. [read post]
5 Jan 2012, 10:06 am
This decision comes as the result of a long debate after the tragic death of a man denied entrance to a shelter because of a distant sexual assault conviction. [read post]
26 Apr 2024, 3:51 am by Andrew Lavoott Bluestone
Halperin v Held & Hines, LLP 2024 NY Slip Op 31415(U) April 12, 2024Supreme Court, New York County Docket Number: Index No. 652124/2019Judge: Andrea Masley is another in a long line of New York legal malpractice cases arising from real estate troubles. [read post]
22 Aug 2006, 3:54 am
Long story short, where a petitioner wins on a claim of ineffective assistance of counsel any information revealed from the prior attorney-client privilege can not be used at retrial.California follows Bittaker v. [read post]
17 Jun 2021, 1:36 pm by Larysa Workewych
On June 15, 2021, the Ontario Divisional Court decided in Hawkes v Max Aicher (North America) Limited[1] that both the Ministry of Labour and the OLRB were wrong. [read post]
28 Nov 2016, 3:54 am by Edith Roberts
United States, which asks whether the residual clause of the sentencing guidelines is unconstitutionally vague. [read post]
23 Apr 2007, 6:05 am
I regularly pose to my students hypotheticals concerning what exactly Casey regards as an "undue burden" and whether the state may attempt to talk women out of having abortions, as long as it does not ban the choice entirely. [read post]