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28 Jun 2015, 3:48 pm
(Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council )The United Nations Human Rights Council has a number of interests. [read post]
11 Oct 2008, 4:56 am
  David Wessell called it "theater" on Washington Week -- not a compliment in this environment. [read post]
27 Jun 2014, 7:51 am by Thomas Hopson
Commentary comes from Noah Feldman of Bloomberg View; Mark Tushnet of Balkinization; Will Baude at the Volokh Conspiracy; Eric Posner at Slate; Daniel Fisher of Forbes; Terry Eastland at the Weekly Standard; Leland Beck for the Federal Regulations Advisor; Douglas Topolski for the Ogletree Deakins blog; David French for the National Review; Ilya Somin at the Volokh Conspiracy; Jeff Shesol of the New Yorker; Peter Shane at RegBlog; Patrick Caldwell at Mother Jones; Allison Bernstein… [read post]
20 Feb 2012, 2:58 am by (Peter Black)
: "Car-Sharing Companies Link Owners With Renters" "Did the French Govt. [read post]
7 Feb 2024, 4:15 pm by Yosi Yahoudai
She had previously worked at the French Laundry under Thomas Keller — as did the sole New York chef on the Season 21 cast, Danny Garcia. [read post]
4 Oct 2008, 3:25 am
Was this late 19th century French-Wagnerian music drama worth reviving? [read post]
11 May 2010, 2:40 am by Sean Patrick Donlan
” • Pia Letto-Vanamo, University of Helsinki, “Some Remarks on the History of Legal Argumentation” • Michael A Livingston, Rutgers School of Law, “One Hatred, Many Laws: The Evolution of Antisemitic Laws in Germany, France, and Italy in Comparative Historical Perspective” • Lara Magnusdottir, University of Iceland, “How to understand a Concordat when you don‘t know what the word means” • Aniceto Masferrer, University of Valencia,… [read post]
24 Sep 2009, 11:11 pm
We either need to negotiate a treaty with the French government to handle that, or else we can say that French crimes committed in France are U.S. crimes, too, allowing warrants to be issued in the U.S. [read post]
13 Dec 2010, 4:23 pm by INFORRM
Or there is the model of French law, which has imported from Arts 8 and 10 the concepts of legitimate aim and proportionality. [read post]
31 Jan 2012, 4:30 am by INFORRM
The final word went to Chief Justice Robert French: FRENCH CJ: This all happened 16 years ago. [read post]
29 Apr 2017, 4:09 am by SHG
At National Review, David French links approvingly to Lopez. [read post]
12 Nov 2010, 3:07 am
".This proves beyond all doubt that, while the term double entendre is French, les français are miles behind the British when it comes to making them. [read post]
11 May 2010, 2:46 am by Sean Patrick Donlan
” • Pia Letto-Vanamo, University of Helsinki, “Some Remarks on the History of Legal Argumentation” • Michael A Livingston, Rutgers School of Law, “One Hatred, Many Laws: The Evolution of Antisemitic Laws in Germany, France, and Italy in Comparative Historical Perspective” • Lara Magnusdottir, University of Iceland, “How to understand a Concordat when you don‘t know what the word means” • Aniceto Masferrer, University of Valencia,… [read post]
3 Jun 2016, 4:00 am by Michael Erdle
Contrast this strict interpretation with the decision of the English High Court in a case involving another Canadian arbitrator, David Haigh. [read post]
21 Nov 2022, 2:18 am by INFORRM
However, during a Police and Crime panel, Commissioner David Lloyd stated that officers were right to question the journalists as to how they knew where the demonstration was being held, the BBC reports. [read post]