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16 Aug 2012, 10:48 am by Roger Pilon
Drawing on both theory and history, libertarians have called for a more “active” judiciary – not to be confused with liberal “judicial activism” – first to defend rights, as in Lucas v. [read post]
21 Aug 2019, 1:09 pm by Dan Ernst
The program for the annual meeting of the American Society for Legal History, to be held in Boston, November 21-24, 2019, has been announced. [read post]
30 Jul 2018, 10:44 am by Lisa Ouellette
(This is copyright, not patent, so I'll note it again tomorrow, but the rest of the panel is more patent-focused.)Lucas Osborn – 3D printing raises IP issues.Randy Picker – Reviews computer competition and innovation over last 100 years, including how WWII government contracting decisions shaped the computer patent environment.Michael Risch – 19th century apple-parer patents are instructive, including in showing how patent enforcement can channel… [read post]
10 May 2017, 6:42 am by Gustavo Arballo
Reconociendo ello se disuelve el problema general (no las exploraremos, pero alli hay más vías que se bifurcan: una judicialista "clásica", que dirá que pese a todo siempre será la Corte el "intérprete final" de la Constitución, otras que traten de darle un marco teórico a lo que pasa en la vida real de las Repúblicas en las que no hay tal perennidad, exclusividad, ni monopolio hermenéutico, donde el… [read post]
30 May 2021, 8:57 pm by Omar Ha-Redeye
Lucas, 1998 CanLII 815 (SCC), [1998] 1 S.C.R. 439, at para. [read post]
22 Aug 2008, 9:37 pm
Un gustazo.Para los que no fueron, fui anotando cosas que se oyeron, cosas que se me ocurrieron a mí mientras los demás hablaban, cosas que anoté o noté en el BnB v. 1.0. [read post]
13 Aug 2012, 7:32 am by Douglas
Uma das principais questões enfrentadas pelo Tribunal diz respeito à competência para processamento de ações que tenham uma pessoa indígena como autor ou vítima. [read post]
8 Jan 2025, 5:55 am by Harold Hongju Koh
Trump aspires to two years of “frictionless government,” contrary to Justice Louis Brandeis’s observation in Myers v. [read post]
25 Oct 2011, 4:30 am
Rev. 2701(April, 2010) Lucas Watkins, How states can protect their policies in Federal Class Actions, 32 Campbell L. [read post]
24 Oct 2011, 9:43 am
Rev. 2701(April, 2010) Lucas Watkins, How states can protect their policies in Federal Class Actions, 32 Campbell L. [read post]
1 Jul 2014, 12:22 pm by Rebecca Tushnet
  Liberty is not “I do what I want”; grown up understanding is ordered liberty, reconciling competing claims/rights, and that’s what property/copyright does.Palmer: Rivalrous v. nonrivalrous: good reason to have property, because it avoids conflict over rivalry. [read post]
10 Feb 2012, 7:47 pm by Rebecca Tushnet
  Author reputation can also preserve a market: George Lucas’s version is more attractive. [read post]
24 Jan 2012, 5:30 am by Duets Guest Blogger
Grade: B Super Bowl VII 1972 This logo looks like the basic idea from Super Bowl V was copied and made a bit snazzier. [read post]
2 Jun 2011, 12:53 pm by Veronika Gaertner
Markus/Lucas Arnet: “Gerichtsstandsvereinbarung in einem Konnossement” – the English abstract reads as follows:  In its decision 7 Ob 18/09m of 8 July 2009 the Austrian Supreme Court of Justice (Oberster Gerichtshof, OGH), judged as substance of the case, the validity of an agreement conferring jurisdiction incorporated in a bill of lading, its character as well as its applicability to a civil claim for damages resulting from a breach of the contract of carriage on… [read post]
1 Feb 2019, 10:51 am
(Pix © Larry Catá Backer; Tauluseinä Tavelväggen, Wall of Printings (1977); Nörrköping Art Museum Turku Findland))Every year for almost 25 years, the Corporate Practice Commentator (with great thanks to Robert Thompson (Georgetown)) announces the results of its annual poll to select the ten best corporate and securities articles. [read post]