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29 Jan 2008, 11:37 am
Wal-Mart Stores (WMT), the company everyone loves to hate, has been garnering some fan mail recently as CEO Lee Scott turns ostentatiously green (tree-hugger green, that is, not Wicked Witch of the West green). [read post]
15 Sep 2010, 9:55 pm
Scott R. [read post]
4 Feb 2011, 11:54 am
Next up is Scott McKeown of Oblon Spivak, writer for Patents Post Grant and Practice Center Contributor. [read post]
30 Apr 2008, 3:45 pm
In an otherwise one-sided account of the Public Policy Forum copyright symposium, Embassy includes some noteworthy remarks from Liberal Industry critic Scott Brison on copyright reform. [read post]
4 Jan 2009, 4:19 am
It did not take long for The New York Times' Scott Shane to turn a skeptical eye on last summer's early onslaught of coverage of anthrax-attack suspect Bruce Ivins. [read post]
16 Feb 2010, 2:48 pm
A Boston man, Scott Rybert entered a not guilty plea to a Massachusetts OUI charge in Framingham District Court according to the Metro West Daily News. [read post]
28 Jun 2007, 7:59 am
Alan Scott Rau (University of Texas at Austin School of Law) has posted Federal Common Law and Arbitral Power (University of Nevada Las Vegas Law Review, Forthcoming) on SSRN. [read post]
7 May 2009, 11:07 am
Scott Shackelford (Stanford Law School and University of Cambridge Department of Politics and International Studies) has posted Fragile Merchandise: A Comparative Analysis of the Privacy Rights for Public Figures on SSRN. [read post]
15 Sep 2009, 9:48 am
According to Arkansas Extension Plant Pathologist Scott Monfort, the soybean rust is still spreading throughout the Southeast, and particularly in the Arkansas Delta, and it doesn't appear to be slowing down. [read post]
12 Sep 2007, 10:00 am
New York State Police, State Trooper Scott Mills, sought workers' compensation benefits for injuries sustained while “on duty. [read post]
28 May 2011, 9:17 am
Scott Amoson, Director of Research for Colliers International in Atlanta, states that shows some stabilization, as the rate had been steadily declining. [read post]
27 Jan 2012, 9:30 am
In December, we wrote about Scott G. [read post]
1 Sep 2010, 12:38 am
One of my favorite comics to read is the daily Dilbert comic, written by Scott Adams. [read post]
19 Aug 2008, 7:04 am
David Odom, Richard Scott and George H. [read post]
8 Jul 2007, 4:00 am
Scott Henson (Grits For Breakfast) has written extensively about snitching; he steered me toward his posts on the subject in his comments to my post on the Abandonment of American Ideals. [read post]
3 May 2011, 6:30 am
Editor’s Note: This post relates to two press releases issued by the American Corporate Governance Institute (the “ACGI”), an organization that Lucian Bebchuk and Scott Hirst are affiliated with. [read post]
25 Nov 2010, 7:36 am
A Scott County jury recently awarded a couple in Coal Valley, Illinois $3.6 million in a brain injury lawsuit. [read post]
13 Aug 2015, 5:32 pm
Scott Lindquist, state epidemiologist,, adding later: “No matter what we find and how we find it, the onus is on the consumer to prevent illness. [read post]
28 Apr 2009, 9:51 am
Taylor (University of Pittsburgh - School of Law) has posted The Distinctiveness of Legal Hermeneutics (RICOEUR ACROSS THE DISCIPLINES, Scott Davidson ed., The Continuum International Publishing Group, December 2009) on SSRN. [read post]
30 Oct 2007, 9:59 am
If this doesn’t work, try Youtube 1 and Youtube 2 The case was Scott v. [read post]