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4 Dec 2011, 4:42 pm by Ilya Somin
Ron Paul, of course, is still in the race. [read post]
17 Nov 2011, 12:53 pm by Big Tent Democrat
Georgia businessman Herman Cain, who led in Iowa last month, drops to third with 13% of the vote. [read post]
5 May 2011, 6:03 pm by Glenn Reynolds
Between the anti-establishment mood and his assertive but approachable answers made everyone except for Ron Paul look like a stuffed suit. [read post]
19 Jan 2012, 1:12 pm by fuzzyone
He has the money and organization that all but Ron Paul lack, and Paul just can't appeal to enough Republicans. [read post]
7 May 2009, 7:39 am
Whaley, Barbara Ellis- Monro, Denise Dotson, Ron Bingham, Melissa Herman, John T. [read post]
30 Nov 2011, 8:22 pm by Bradley P. Vallerius, JD
Additionally, Ladbrokes lists Barack Obama at 5/6, Mitt Romney at 5/2, Newt Gingrich at 9/2, Rick Perry at 25/1, Ron Paul at 25/1, Jon Huntsman at 40/1, Herman Cain at 50/1, Michele Bachmann at 66/1, Buddy Roemer at 250/1, and Fred Karger at 500/1. [read post]
23 Nov 2011, 8:36 am
Rick Santorum.That leaves our Ron Paul and Herman Cain. [read post]
14 Apr 2018, 9:20 am
The Levin Center helped connect me to Stanford alumnus and former INTERPOL Secretary General Ron Nobel. [read post]
11 Nov 2011, 11:46 pm by Lara
Gingrich for the Rich Ron Paul Win it All Hit a Homer with Roemer While I may not have a campaign-slogan-creating career ahead of me, I find that less surprising than the fact that Herman Cain is the only 2012 declared Republican candidate in connection with which an approved trademark application has been filed. [read post]
22 Sep 2011, 8:28 pm
Ron Paul answers and then — finally! [read post]
2 May 2012, 9:06 am by Patrick
North Carolina voters go to the polls on May 8 to decide whether Barack Obama will be the Democratic nominee for President, and whether Mitt Romney can finally defeat Ron Paul for the Republican nomination. [read post]
24 Mar 2010, 12:07 pm by Gerard Magliocca
 Titan (Ron Chernow) — This biography of John D. [read post]
15 Jun 2011, 6:00 am by Elisa Solomon
 Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) blamed the Federal Reserve, and what he termed its “deliberate job” to “weaken the currency,” for the loss of domestic manufacturing jobs. [read post]
14 Nov 2011, 8:10 am by Lovechilde
"  Only Ron Paul and Jon Huntsman objected. [read post]
22 Jun 2011, 7:43 pm
At the debate, however, one candidate - Herman Cain - pointed to a specific alternative to Social Security as a roadmap for the changes he would make if elected. [read post]
17 Mar 2012, 10:27 am by Georgialee Lang
Oh, yes, Senator Ron Paul is also running but he has maintained his “no competition” status from the get-go. [read post]