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8 Nov 2019, 4:40 am
Ella Rose also makes an appearance in Al Jazeera’s The Lobby. [read post]
21 Jan 2016, 5:30 pm
– Jackson, MS lawyer Blake Fulton of Jones Walker on the firm’s blog, Gulf States Gaming Law One Family, One Judge? [read post]
18 Jun 2012, 7:17 am
Additionally, the President spent the week dealing with a May jobs report that didn’t meet projections as the unemployment rate rose to 8.2% and saw only 69,000 new jobs created. [read post]
23 Mar 2009, 6:21 pm
- Information specialist Anthony Chan of Quarles & Brady in the firm's blog E-Discovery Bytes What You Don't Know about Web Mail Can Hurt You - Court Rules Employee Web Mail Use Waives Attorney-Client Privilege - New York attorney Jeff Neuburger of Proskauer Rose in the firm's New Media & Technology Law Blog AIG's Lesson for Health Reform: Words Matter - Washington, DC lawyer Ted Mannen of Epstein Becker Green on the… [read post]
1 Feb 2016, 11:27 am
Gary Fowler; Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP; The Hartnett Law Firm; Haynes and Boone, LLP; Jackson Walker LLP; Jones Day; KASTL LAW, PC; KoonsFuller; Mike McKool, Jr.; Norton Rose Fulbright; Sidley Austin, LLP; Texas LawBook; Thompson & Knight Foundation; Vinson & Elkins LLP. [read post]
30 Nov 2007, 8:18 am
The number of Web vendors of cigarettes rose from 88 in 2000 to 772 early last year, according to the California attorney general's office. [read post]
6 Jul 2009, 3:38 pm
That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. [read post]
16 Mar 2012, 4:12 pm
In Walker v. [read post]
31 Aug 2011, 7:32 am
Walker actually brought the average down, but he still made $2.7 million, well over his $1.45 million in fiscal 2010. [read post]
18 Nov 2018, 6:50 am
" At the time, "pink" wasn't a singer, but "pink' and "red" where euphemistic terms for communists.In the Senate Nixon was an anti-communist crusader, and rose to national prominence as he investigated state department employee Alger Hiss for being a Soviet Spy. [read post]
2 Sep 2018, 9:35 pm
Judge Kavanaugh’s deference to agencies rose to over 81 percent when the agency’s interpretation was conservative, and it fell to under 71 percent when the agency’s interpretation was liberal. [read post]
7 Oct 2020, 9:33 am
The “super-spreader” event at the White House and Rose Garden which has infected the President and nearly two dozen senior members of his administration should be proof that tests are not perfect. [read post]
15 Apr 2010, 4:35 am
According to Peter Wagner and Rose Heyer at Prisoners of the Census: "Harris County is 16.3% of the Texas population, but it supplies 21.5% of the state's prisoners. ... [read post]
8 Sep 2011, 12:02 pm
Walker, 33, both of Milwaukee, are charged with the armed robbery of the Summit Credit Union, Waunakee, Wis., on August 29, 2011. [read post]
8 Sep 2011, 12:02 pm
Walker, 33, both of Milwaukee, are charged with the armed robbery of the Summit Credit Union, Waunakee, Wis., on August 29, 2011. [read post]
24 Apr 2018, 1:08 pm
Of course, the phrase ‘texting’ is shortcut language for any activity on a smart phone that distracts a driver—or walker—from their environment. [read post]
13 Aug 2010, 1:44 pm
All three of the councillors and two of the officers pursued appeals against the auditor’s decision to the Queen’s Bench Divisional Court (Rose LJ, Latham and Keene JJ). [read post]
7 Feb 2012, 12:33 pm
District Court Judge Vaughn Walker ruled that the law was unconstitutional. [read post]
2 Apr 2018, 10:54 am
Of course, the phrase ‘texting’ is shortcut language for any activity on a smart phone that distracts a driver—or walker—from their environment. [read post]
12 Jul 2021, 7:00 am
Al Hounsell, Senior Innovation Lawyer, Norton Rose Fulbright. [read post]